NEWS Boys are really happy for Dearden

ScreenScreenshot 2021 04 27 at 07 33 23 Dysfunctional Broncos shock new target

Newchum Danny Levi said Tom Dearden pulled the team aside on Monday morning, assuring everyone he would steer the team to its first premiership since 2006:

“He told us about it but he said as long as he’s here, he’s 100 per cent for us. I’m sure he wants to finish off the season strong. It’s unfortunate because he’s a talented young player but he’s got to do what’s best for him."

The boys are really happy for him but he’s committed to here for the rest of the year.”

“He’s only young. He’s one of those tough little dudes. I’m happy to see him keep working hard. (I like) his attitude. He’s not afraid to get in and do the tough stuff. He’s only a small dude but he’s one of those players that just tries hard. You see some players who are real flashy and talented but they don’t like that hard stuff – (Tom) does and that’s the type of player you want to play with.”

Former Palmer United Party senate hopeful, and the coach's twin brother Kerrod Walters has his ear to the ground:

"You could say Reynolds or Mitchell Moses but you would have to pay Moses overs to get him up here where Reynolds is chasing a two or three-year deal which they should be able to do. They need some experience to lead the ship around and Reynolds is the one they would probably lean to. You have got to have a crack."

“Letting Dearden go, they need to sign someone now. They have a lot of young guys who are not consistent enough, Reynolds would be a good signing. I think the club needs more work than we thought. There is a lot of work to do there. There is some really good young talent there but it will need a longer-term fix. There is too much young talent. You need a good mix.”

Ca timesbrightspotcdncom

Continuing to work through the process

Paul Kent:

“There’s a sneaky one for Daly Cherry-Evans, because of Manly’s salary cap. There’s a little bit of talk, it’s been around for three or four weeks that he’s a possibility because Manly’s cap is in a bit of problem, his salary is linked to the salary cap as a percentage. Manly are trying to regenerate their roster a bit... so that’s going around. Whether the Broncos are willing to go there we don’t know. They are going hard after Moses at the moment.”

Buzz Rothfield:

“I said on social media over the weekend, and there’s no way I’d retract it, that Anthony Seibold’s Broncos were better than Kevin Walters’ Broncos. I think it’s a fact.”

James Hooper:

“They’ve got a recruitment guy at Brisbane that hardly any player managers talk to, because of his personality. The whole thing is dysfunctional.”

Kevvie's got this:

“Obviously we are disappointed but we have clear priorities on who we are targeting to strengthen our roster going forward. We will continue to work through that process in the weeks and months ahead.”



State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
In short, nobody is saying anything about future signings, but since the Walters brothers have had a look at the books they're shitting themselves even more with the amount of **** ups that have allowed to occur and the amount of work required to just stabalise the burning wreck that is the Broncos.

Unfortunately, nearly all of the old hands have been pushed or jumped ship and it's now starting to affect the young sailors that are left.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
DD and Kevin appear to have a lot of house cleaning to do with R&R.

I am inclined to think that Kevvie truley didnt want Dearden to stay. His eyes have to be on a couple of other halves.
I think Kevvie spoke truthfully when he said Tommy was the future of the Broncos. What that meant was his talents were recognised, but his shortfalls were too great to be of any use to the team at the moment. What Kevvie was saying was Tommy needs to do more time in ISC to learn his craft and then come into a Broncos side with more game managing savvy. All that was to happen in the future.

Tommy , it seems did not want a bar of it. So chose to head to the Cows. He'll be crest fallen when he gets pushed back to ISC. You watch!


QCup Player
Jun 4, 2016
To release a 2 line statement, not offer him a deal and put the number 2 or 3 hooker up for media, I'd expect a major signing by the end of the week, two tops. If not it will be another very worrying sign of Kevs for mine.


State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
100% here for Reggies the little ****


NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017

The only positive these **** tards can find from the weekend. 😞


NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017
Appears they can win in any other team but not when playing together. Coaches?
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
we sort of had a number of young halves at the club not too long ago...that part we did right....

Then we let them attrite away one after the other...

Thats not what Roosters or Storm do; they would tell them "there is a number 7 jersey for grabs here between the 4 of you" and then let them fight for it...

What happened between step 1 and step 2 of the process for us..?


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
we sort of had a number of young halves at the club not too long ago...that part we did right....

Then we let them attrite away one after the other...

Thats not what Roosters or Storm do; they would tell them "there is a number 7 jersey for grabs here between the 4 of you" and then let them fight for it...

What happened between step 1 and step 2 of the process for us..?

We sucked at everything, that is what happened.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
yeh...i feel punch drunk from all the hits we have taken for years now....


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
yeh...i feel punch drunk from all the hits we have taken for years now....

I feel like it all started to be evident with the 4 year busted Boyd contract but I actually think it goes back much further, that is probably just when it became most apparent something was off in the off field department.

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