It isn't just about what Reece wants.
He has an ex partner who is the mother of his child. If Reece wants to put his daughter first, he needs to consider the mother, and the custody situation. Is he is prepared to buy a house in Sydney for himself and one for his ex, so they can continue to co-parent?....but in going to Sydney, both Walsh and his ex lose any family support they currently have. Reece may have saved a great deposit, but interest rates are going north and Sydney buy in for a shit home is 2 million. Reece also has to buy 2 homes....
I was a father at 21 years young. If my partner and I didn't have the family support we did, I'm not sure what would have happened. I sincerely hope that qoutes me. Reece reads this and says, 1.1 million over 5 years at he Broncos is the bomb.