I had the same thought. But what about the converse: we carry Oates on the bench, and no one in the backs gets injured? Would covering that risk weaken the team overall? I'm not sure I can answer that with confidence.
This is only one of the reasons why Capewell's statistics don't tell the whole story. But it's also a reality if Capewell, himself, is injured or unavailable.
I think the longer term solution is to refuse Capewell's request to cut his contract short (if it's even a thing), and consider one of the following:
1. A fast bench forward who can play wing (Cobbo alone can cover wing, centre and fullback).
2. A solid defending utility who can provide spark at hooker, and can cover an outside back position. Oddly, Brodie Croft might fit that description.
I'm not aware of us having anyone who fits these descriptions on our current roster. The second option is almost certainly ruled out with Billy locked at 9, and Mozer inevitable at 14. Longer term, Mozer at 9 and Billy is a realistic option, but it won't solve our outside back conundrum.
Bottom line is we need to retain Capewell or find a clone. Sailor is another left field option who could cover a number of roles, but again, like Oates, he would weaken our forward strength.