BTB Final standing Winter comp


NYC Player
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Below the belt finished in 5th spot out of 10 teams not a bad effort. Summer comp starts at end of October.

shaun aere we going to play again in Summer comp?? Im keen
I'd imagine we are playing again Brad, not bad to finish 5th in the end. Couple of games/crucial calls went against us which cost us in the end....that and our poor first halves lolz
Unlike Brisbane, where with evening storms we're lucky if we get through 75% of games.
You douche! LOL

We've played in a few storms. One was ridiculously torrential and I left my phone in my bag, which I thought was waterproof. It wasn't waterproof. LOLZ, bye N80!

They do call it off if there's a lightning danger though.
I remember when I went to watch Scott once at Lucas Heights it was sorta cloudly but didn't really look like it was going to rain. Then it just pissed down and by the time I had got back to the shed thing I was soaked. Typical that he had to be playing on the field that was furthest away.