Captain "One More Set" thinks the team doesn't talk enough

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
“I’ve been in successful teams and when you’re in a successful team, no one shuts up out on that field,” Glenn said.

“Prime example is Darren Lockyer.

“His voice was always gone because he just never shut up in attack and defence.

“You can’t be a tight knit group in defence when there’s no talk.

“I noticed it straight away (against the Dragons) and I brought it up in the meeting and rectified it at training.

“In the past, we’ve been very quiet.

“When you’re in defence and there’s no talk, you start to lose trust in the man beside you.

“We just need to get a bit more mongrel in ourselves and wipe those disciplinary errors and we’ll find ourselves getting back.”

Do these fuckwits have ANY self reflection at all? When was the last time the camera was trained onto Glenn as he was giving his side a belting in the huddle? Anyone?
A bit late to address it now.
Has been an issue for a number of seasons now associated with the departure of experienced players.

got to be addressed at some point
They certainly yell and carry-on enough during training drills, have all season.

So why do they go so quiet during games?

Heads drop and they just can’t be bothered?

If so, once again there is a simple answer. Off you go to ISC buddy...
He's right, good teams do talk constantly among themselves especially when they are defending. Our captain certainly talks, but he does all his talking on social media which is obviously of feck all use to us or the team on the field.

Keep Lodge. Make him captain and tell him he has carte blanche to put the fear of God into them when they're out there on the field. The better performing teams fear their captain and coach's wrath more than they do the opposition. The Storm were shit scared of not following what CS9 told them to do the same for Bellyache. Our guys seem to check in and out as they please.
Glenn was on the radio yesterday and literally said something like "some of the players need to look at their performance". This muppet needs to get off Instagram and stay away from all the ramdoms patting him on the back online.
Wow Alex, what a novel concept!!

Darren Lockyer, the captain of the team, led by example…

I’ve banged on and on about how stupid this team is. At least no one can question that Alex leads by example in this regard.
It's honestly telling how you'd hardly notice whether he was or wasn't playing most of the time these days.

I’d say it’s worse than that, you can tell when he isn’t playing because the team is half decent.