Cory Paterson


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
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I've just heard he's stood down due to depression.

Can't find anything on the net yet, terrible news if true.
Here we are:

PROMISING Newcastle Knights secondrower Cory Paterson is the latest sports star to go public with his battle with depression.

Paterson made the courageous decision to come public with news of his illness at a press conference in Newcastle this afternoon, just days out from the Knights' clash with West Tigers on Sunday.

The 21-year-old said he had been dealing with the illness for the last six to eight weeks, revealing he was now on medication to help correct a chemical imbalance.

Paterson will travel down to Campbelltown with the rest of the Knights squad for Sunday's game and remains some chance of taking on the Tigers. ... 66,00.html

There's some quotes and what not in the article.

Glad to see he's not full on standing down but rather treating each week as it comes.

Best of luck to him.
Reading up on the Knights forum, apparently Channel Ten News said he was going to sit out the rest of the season. **** they are hopeless. [icon_non
I'm sad for him, and I hope he gets through it, but I applaud him for making a public statement about something so difficult.

He's the first (in my memory) league player to admit to something like this without having gotten into trouble first. Joey and Tim Smith come to mind, and they were written off by many as using depression as an excuse for bad behaviour. Hopefully him coming out and saying this will make some men realise that even the big tough guys are still vulnerable to mental health problems, and that there's no shame in asking for help.
Well done to Cory. A very and public step for him to take, hope he gets the support he needs.
Finally someone is leading by a RIGHT example. I think it is great that he has come out with this, not only for the fact that it makes people aware but also it can lead to being a role model for younger kids..or really anyone who suffers from depression or any mental illness really.
schmix said:
I'm sad for him, and I hope he gets through it, but I applaud him for making a public statement about something so difficult.


It's an illness. A treatable, medical condition. It's not someone being a sook or a wuss, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It should be listed as an injury or illness the same as a knee injury or stomach bug. It takes a while to treat it and the player might be a week to week proposition.

I can't believe in 2009 depression is still considered a "shameful" thing for a lot of people to talk about.
Coxyz said:
schmix said:
I'm sad for him, and I hope he gets through it, but I applaud him for making a public statement about something so difficult.


It's an illness. A treatable, medical condition. It's not someone being a sook or a wuss, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It should be listed as an injury or illness the same as a knee injury or stomach bug. It takes a while to treat it and the player might be a week to week proposition.

I can't believe in 2009 depression is still considered a "shameful" thing for a lot of people to talk about.

The problem is Coxy the stigma still attached to mental illness that lies within society. Obviously most of the people here are quite open and non-judgemental on this topic but there are a lot of people out there who don't understand or have any idea about these illnesses and judge them as loonies or crazies and that people with depression go and kill themselves etc. Although I do think society is starting to open up to these sorta of issues. They have to because it is becoming such an increasing epidemic.