Cow V Manly *spoilers*

I know that given the previous rulings so far this season that would be the result but that is the worst example of it.

That manly player who ran into the Cows 11 had no chance whatsoever of getting at bowen and he ran into the Cows player deliberatly to draw the penalty. Just rubbish, NRL FIX IT!
Jamie "I don't WANNA play with the big boys" nearly scored just before.
Bailey scores under the posts.

BOWEN SCORES! What a cracker!!

Thurston broke the line, passed to O'Donnell, O'donnell to Tonga, Tonga to Bowen...TRY~!
Cows score.

Thurston converts

20-12 Moomoos

67 gone

Off to the Airport I go to pick up Nephew.
Robertson wishes he was a fullbacks arsehole.
Watmough @&€*s up the play the ball. Hahahahahaha, wankstain!
Last minute try by Bowen. Cowboys won 24-12.

Why oh why did I tip Manly??!?!

Tipped the cows. Manly struggle without fathead stewart.
Susan said:
LOL how shit was Watmough? His defence was woeful! If NSW pick him they're crazy. He is such a shirt grabber and an arm thrower.
I hope they do. I'd also like them to select Orford at 7. [icon_shady [icon_lol1.

How good is it to see Manly, Roosters & Sharks struggling. Seriously, couldn't happen to 3 nicer teams. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
lol Agreed with above.
Cronulla virgins
Rorters and
parascums all at the bottom.... and melbourne struggling
Good tims indeed :)