Cronulla Sharks sack Seymour

Yeah, just like gambling addicts. Until your family walk out on you or you lose your house you don't admit you have a problem.
He can join Carney in Atherton - it's done wonders for him.

On a serious note, he DOES have a problem, he DOES need help, he DOESN'T see it himself yet; therefore any help offered will be refused or will simply not work. His issues were identified quite early on at the Broncos and they spent years trying to help him behind the scenes until they finally realised they simply could do no more and cut him loose - hoping that might be the thing that would make him get the help. Unfortunately it didn't. I truly believe the Sharks have taken a similar view and done everything they can to try and help him. But as PB said - you can't help someone until they want to be helped.
Big incident, he walks into a bar pissed and they say Brett we can't serve you, you are too drunk and he leaves.
Cronulla used this as an excuse to sack him. I don't have a lot of sympathy for him just the same he would have been aware they were looking to save $$$.
Tigers may end up with him.
Dexter, agree, that doesn't seem like much. But if as a result of his earlier season suspension one of the things he agreed was to avoid getting drunk in public, then he breached that condition. He was already on a contract that had provisions about alcohol based on his previous dismissal from the Broncos.

Just like Andrew Symonds was sacked for having a few beers at a pub with mates watching State of Origin...hardly seems sackable, but given he agreed to a contract clause that said "no alcohol at all while on Australian duty/tour" then it's understandable.

Symonds denied he is an alcoholic. Yet he couldn't say no.
Seymour says publicly he has an alcohol problem, but doesn't say he's an alcoholic. And he couldn't say no.

They both have a similar problem.
Yep, no sympathy from me really although I do worry the expectations on our players are becoming way over the top.

The players have to understand that can't go out and carry on like a normal everyday person .

The fact is they are not normal every day ppl. They are highly paid elite athletes and if they want to keep their jobs then their reality is quite different to yours or mine.
No argument from me.

However, it has to be remembered the tolerance the game and the public has for "normal" drinking episodes is limited by the number and severity of slip ups. Seymour has had heaps of chances.

If someone saw Steve Price drunk, walk into a bar and be refused service, nobody would care too much.

Seymour's just made too many withdrawals from the forgiveness bank.
Symonds not an alco? rofl. He was at Caxton St on saturday night unable to talk. haha
He's not an alcoholic. He's a "binge drinker"...LOLZ
Coxy said:
No argument from me.

However, it has to be remembered the tolerance the game and the public has for "normal" drinking episodes is limited by the number and severity of slip ups. Seymour has had heaps of chances.

If someone saw Steve Price drunk, walk into a bar and be refused service, nobody would care too much.

Seymour's just made too many withdrawals from the forgiveness bank.

Steve Price doesn't drink alcohol. His body produces it.
Playboy Bunny said:
[quote="Ari Gold":1ktjdtmk]Addiction is such a cop out. I'd be much more inclined to call it weak willed. It's like if I don't clean the house, it's not because I have an addiction, it's just because I'm farking lazy. There are plenty of real illnesses out there that people have no control over - we don't need made up ones just because somebody can't take personal responsibility.

Can people become addicted to ciggies??...Yes
Can people become addicted to gambling??...Yes
Can people become addicted to caffinee??...Yes
can people become addicted to heroine??....Yes...

can someone be addicted to alcohol?? YES!! He does have some form of an addiction. It's not a case of not being able to control himself of being 'weak'. He must have some sort of underlying issues which make him result to this...Maybe playing for cronulla?? [eusa_doh[/quote:1ktjdtmk]

Sure, they may have some sort of dependence on these substances, but I just refuse to cut them any sort of slack for it. Besides, it's not like Seymour has been drinking since he was a baby and has needed alcohol to survive his whole life. Nobody ever forced him to drink alcohol, just as most alchos/gambling addicts/dopers weren't forced to take said substance etc. (I will except prescription drug addictions) For me, mentioning the term addiction is, even if only in a small way, an attempt to diminish the level of personal responsibility involved, which is why I believe it is a cop out.
Don't except prescription drug ones there - taken at correct levels, they are not addictive.

I don't think anyone should cut people slack either though - it's a choice that each person makes. You have to face the consequences of your actions.

Like anyone though I find Seymour's situation sad, just as I find the plight of all people with drug and alcohol problems sad, more in a pitying sense than wanting to excuse them. Just hope he gets help.
Um, science actually proves that things like drugs, alcohol and smoking are addictive. People make choices, it doesn't mean they aren't addicted to something.
Yes but without choosing to try those things (and usually continue using for a period of time) then they wouldn't have the addiction in the first place.

I would think all the smokers here would agree with that.
I don't believe "addiction" can be used as an excuse or something along those lines, when you have a career as a professional you have to make sacrifices, we all have addictions of some sort which are hard to overcome but if needed then it's possible to overcome it. It's a matter of how important and he obviously found alcohol more important than his career.

Smokers are a perfect example a lot of them never quit until they walk into a hospital one day and the doctor tells them you either quit or you die at this point most will quit immediately or at least attempt to quit because all of a sudden there's a good incentive not to(your life in this case) that's probably an over the top analogy but it sort of makes my point. IF he is indeed an alcoholic then he should of been doing all he could to help cure his addiction or otherwise to me he simply didn't value his career enough in which case good riddance there are many kids out there who want a NRL career a lot more than him with more talent too.
Yeah but broncospwn, as others have pointed out until you admit to yourself you have a problem you have no hope of curing it.
I know you have to try these things to become addicted. That's not the point. Just because we try them first, doesn't make them any less addicting.

I'm addicted to ciggies. I started smoking, I kept smoking. It doesn't mean I'm not addicted.

broncospwn. Your post is silly. He has an alcohol problem he hasn't admitted to. He's not going to just change. Some people lack the will power to just stop on their own, and without actually realising you have a problem, there is no way it will stop.

Been there with smokes. Oh, I'm quitting, it's alright to just have one. I mean, I would have had five by now if I was smoking fulltime like I was. Next time it's ok to have two, still better, and then back to where I am now, smoking just as much.

Some people just don't understand. Take the old smokers v no smokers debate.

"Just quit"

It's not actually that easy for most people.
Yeah and that's the problem. Seymour HAS admitted he has a problem - but he thinks his problem is that he tends to drink too much. He doesn't realise that his problem is drinking AT ALL...because from there he has no control (Exactly as you described...if I have one it's ok, I would've normally had 5 by now...not realising that it might take longer but you still have them all).

Symonds is the same. "I'm not an alcoholic. I'm a binge drinker." Shit by any name still stinks.
Yeah I thought he had admitted that he has a problem. A lot of people can admit they have a problem or an addiction to something but not necessarily want any help for it.