Crowd in 2014!


BRL Player
Jul 5, 2013
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I think we, as Broncos supporters, need to lighten up the atmosphere at Broncos home games in 2014!
I think we need to get chants going, and make the stadium ONE colour, MAROON, the way it should be!

What do you guys think?

Could someone pass this on to the people who control this sort of stuff in home games!
It would be awesome if we could organise a proper supporters group with banners, instruments and passionate fans who aren't afraid to get caught up in the spirit. Suncorp is a very tame ground and usually the fans don't ark up until the opposition get a chant going - that always seems to remind people they're there to support the Broncos.

The problem is, the only way I can see it happening is if it's born out of fan initiative and ingenuity. The problem is, it's difficult to organise a large group of fans without co-operation with the club.
Just start screaming Wallabies, its sure to get the crowd laughing. :tongue_smilie:
The problem is, the only way I can see it happening is if it's born out of fan initiative and ingenuity. The problem is, it's difficult to organise a large group of fans without co-operation with the club.

Well, I managed to get my facebook page in the courier mail this week so maybe with some help this can be organised as well.
It would be awesome if we could organise a proper supporters group with banners, instruments and passionate fans who aren't afraid to get caught up in the spirit. Suncorp is a very tame ground and usually the fans don't ark up until the opposition get a chant going - that always seems to remind people they're there to support the Broncos.

The problem is, the only way I can see it happening is if it's born out of fan initiative and ingenuity. The problem is, it's difficult to organise a large group of fans without co-operation with the club.

We went to the Knights game and were about five rows up from where Gidley had his cry. We were booing the house down and everyone else was following, we then had to go quiet once it was obvious he was seriously hurt.

Then as he was going off and we were reluctantly clapping, Klein (who is the worst ref I have ever seen by the way) blew time on and we got the boo going again, it was great fun.

When Uate was in front of us we shouted 'Even NSW doesn't want you!' and you dropped it. Haha its so much fun getting caught up in the moment.
Now I don't want to offend our fan base, but I get the feeling there's a fair chunk (maybe up to 5k) who attend games because we're the only team/game in town. You get a lot more 'passive' supporters who are seeing the game just to 'see a game'. So they're not too fussed on the emotion of the game or being very loud or passionate.

I think if you could organise with club/Suncorp, similar to what the Roar have with the Den, maybe three or four bays (perhaps at each end of the field) of people willing to shout themselves stupid it might make the atmosphere better (therein lies the challenge). That's why the away supporters bay is so loud. They're all in one place and only get to see their team once a year up here. All our passionate supporters are very spread amongst the random away fans and the 'passive' ones I mentioned above.

I know they've tried it with the XXXX bay (or whatever it is) at the other end of the stadium from the ASB but tbh I've never heard anything come from down that way
Heard Ray Warren say a couple of weeks back that The Warren (Souths supporter bay version, not the commentator version) was wired for sound. As in they actually have mics in there at a low level, hooked up to the PA.

Not sure if true though, but they are very loud even with only a few thousand.
I'd be all over the membership if they had a roaming one. I don't go with the same people each week and day games i'd take the family.
the problem is - it is impossible to get a group of passionate supporters together at suncorp. the way the seating works, you can't just all 'congregate' in a general admin area like other footy groups do at other grounds, because all of hte seating is allocated.

the broncos really need to help out if they want to get a grouped section ala 'the burrow' together. suncorp really needs it.

agree with a comment earlier re passive supporters. some times you sit somewhere, yell something (non offensive by the way) and 10 people turn around like 'what is all that noise?'

I appreciate they tried something with the rally towels but it was never going to work. i dont know why the ground announcer just doesnt lead with standard 'broncos broncos broncos' chants more often. simple. effective in getting the crowd involved.
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Are the guys who yell out set up there to do it? or do they do it because they are passionate?
I have been looking at memberships for the 2014 season and there is actually going to be options with GA seating. This is a great initiative by the club and Suncorp which people have been crying out for a long time.

1. The Fortress (formerly XXXX Fanatics) will be GA in any seats row 1-30 in section 326 i think it is.
2. Awesome Foresome will be GA tickets to 4 games of your choice in certain Maroon, Blue and White sections only.

I can only assume that tickets to these sections will be GA to the public as well which would be good if you were taking non-members along with you. The only downside I can see is that there is a small number of sections to choose from, will be interesting to see how this goes though, if popular they might increase the area for 2015.
So your saying that all Awesome Foursome members can (and should) band together in these GA sections so we can start chants and do other similar actions. Would be good if they, for every three sections in the lower bowl, had one of these sections, so the crowd can get involved more. Would love to see a lively Suncorp atmosphere week in, week out.

Or make the three sections behind the goal posts BRONCOS only, to juice up the atmosphere!
what are your thoughts?

Can we try and make this happen?