Dane Gagai

Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
LOL. C'mon. The blokes who need to be dropped were borderline selections to begin with. Trying to compare QLD dropping Myles, Lillyman, O'Neil and maybe Guerra to what NSW do is really poor.

It's literally the exact same thing NSW have been doing for the past decade. Dropping guys that didn't perform and then bringing in someone else.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Because we lost one game and everyone wants to do what NSW did in the past decade making a heap of changes after they lost a game.

Not really.

Player/s being spoken about to be moved on, are well past it or have only made the team through default in years gone by.

Myles, Lillyman & Oneil......Matt Scott's fit and Lillyman isn't there. Inglis's fit and Oneil isn't there

Myles? Well this has to be his last series. He doesn't offer enough anymore. Thanks for the memories Nate.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
It's literally the exact same thing NSW have been doing for the past decade. Dropping guys that didn't perform.

They were chopping and changing the halves and backline every bloody match. That is not what QLD fans are suggesting. You can't seriously be arguing to keep Myles, Lillyman or O'Neil in the team. Myles and Lillyman are barely bench forwards for their fucken club sides but got picked on the back of loyalty.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Exactly right.

The problem is that fans confuse loyalty with stubborness. It's fine to stick with the players who have done the job for you, but when they haven't done the job and you've got better alternatives waiting in the wings it's time to push forward.

The problem with NSW is that they were a basket case. They'd lose a game in the final couple of minutes and would make 6 changes to the team. By the time the series was over, they'd make 30 changes and have to start from square one the following year. Meanwhile Queensland are just bringing through players at a decent clip into a system that was built on success.

It was a record breaking loss last night, the Maroons have to make some changes otherwise they're doomed to repeat the same mistakes.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
O'Neil has to go. I was against his selection from the start. He's a plodder, far from a rep player. There's plenty of better players out there.


NYC Player
Jun 1, 2017
Interested in some thoughts from die hard Broncos fans.
Some of the Broncos greatest outside backs never killed it at origin level.
The likes of Renouf, Sailor even Hodges until the latter part of his origin career all struggled at this level.
Then we see someone like Gagai.. plays solid at club level but looks like a completely different player in the origin arena.
Is it because he plays for a crap team like Newcastle?
How do you think if he wouldve went if he was still at the Broncos?


State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2008
Just imagine the match he'll play when he does get MoM.

7 tries, 1000m run and destroyed Fatfita in a tackle
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Interested in some thoughts from die hard Broncos fans.
Some of the Broncos greatest outside backs never killed it at origin level.
The likes of Renouf, Sailor even Hodges until the latter part of his origin career all struggled at this level.
Then we see someone like Gagai.. plays solid at club level but looks like a completely different player in the origin arena.
Is it because he plays for a crap team like Newcastle?
How do you think if he wouldve went if he was still at the Broncos?

I think the likes of Renouf and Sailor would have dominated Origin if they were playing in the side QLD have today..

I don't think it has anything to do with which club he plays at. He is just a fierce competitor that has the luxury of playing in one of the best back lines in Rugby League history.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
As great as our back line is, it honestly seems like a majority of Dane's big plays are individual brilliance, he just takes it to another level at Origin level like I haven't seen in a long time. Incredible player.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
if that want MotM performance I don't know what is.

He has been the player of the series so far. Though if Fifita has another game like game 1 it will be a tough call.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
if that want MotM performance I don't know what is.

He has been the player of the series so far. Though if Fifita has another game like game 1 it will be a tough call.

I'd say the game he scored 3 tries was MOM worthy. Probably because I had $2 on him at $151. Still not over that.


QCup Player
Jun 4, 2016
Great Wednesday night specialist. He's not the only Ferrari (comes out 3 times a year) I reckon Inglis has got him covered there


NYC Player
Jun 1, 2017
Is Gagai the first player from a wooden spoon team to win player of the series?


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Is Gagai the first player from a wooden spoon team to win player of the series?

That is a really good question and I would say highly likely to be true. It is so funny watching him become a completely different player in maroon though because he is a slightly better than average player in a horrible side at Newcastle. He should play for Australia in the WC but won't due to the weird infatuation with Fergusen.

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