NEWS Dearden: I enjoyed my time at the Broncos

Newly minted Cowboy Tom Dearden gives his first exclusive interview post-Broncos to the Courier Mail's multi-award-winning journalist Peter Badel. He's out to finish the season strongly, particularly in Round 20, when he faces the Broncos for the first time:

"JT is a huge factor. JT has offered to help me. He obviously has a busy life but he says he is here to help and any chance I get to work with him and talk to him, I will take it with both hands."

“As I spend more time here I will get a chance to see him more. JT is someone I will be looking to help me and Michael Morgan is another guy. He is around the club and he has done so much in the game. It’s been a really good move for me. The staff, the boys at the Cowboys and Todd have been welcoming."

“I have felt at home straight away.”

“I was a bit starstruck meeting JT and Cam Smith at first, just shaking their hand was a thrill. It’s nice to know JT is someone who is always around the club. Growing up, I was a mad Cowboys fan and a mad Johnathan Thurston fan, so to get the opportunity to learn from someone like him is a massive bonus for me."

“I loved the way JT played the game, the way he competed. He is someone I modelled my game on growing up and the way he held himself, a lot of young footballers looked up to JT. I always wanted to play the game like him, so I am definitely looking forward to picking his brain.”

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Feels at home

“Yeah, I lost a bit of confidence, you could put it that way. We struggled to get results on the field and that doesn’t help with your personal confidence. I never expected to leave the Broncos mid-season. Obviously when I made my decision, I had planned to come up (to the Cowboys) next year, but it has worked out well for me to come earlier and start my journey now at the Cowboys."

“I will always appreciate that the Broncos gave me my opportunity and it‘s been a tough couple of years for the club. I enjoyed my time at the Broncos but I’m here now and looking forward. I want to finish the season strongly.”

“I do think I’m a halfback. I enjoy the halfback role and I feel I’m at my best when I am getting the team around the park and steering the side at seven."

“The NRL is hard, it‘s the strongest competition in the world and we had a tough couple of years at the Broncos which affected me. I know I need to keep working on my game and learning as much as I can. The more experience I get playing at NRL level, the better I will get. I definitely have that belief. I believe I can be a long-term playmaker in the NRL. I have a lot to give to the game and a lot to improve on. That‘s what I am doing at the moment."

“I have the hunger and drive to become a quality playmaker and that’s what I’m working towards at the Cowboys. Speaking to the coaching staff and Todd Payten, they had a really good clear plan in place for me."

“I do feel it’s a place where I can learn and take my game to the next level. I want to get results for the Cowboys and make the club successful again.”



International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Reporter should have asked his thoughts on playing second fiddle behind Townsend and Drinkwater next year.

why would Badel do that ... would have stuffed the narrative of the article


NRL Captain
Mar 28, 2008
Langer, Walters and Lockyer all played in the halves and captained Australia. Hunt, Milford and Boyd played in the halves to less distinction but are all decorated players whatever you think of them now. Milford played the club to a Grand Final and would've/should've been Churchill medalist and he's the least of the six.

The Cowboys have JT, that's a a big plus, but Morgan compared to our past and present peer group?

Timmy isn't even twenty yet, is he? Alf and Kev would have retired before he was born, and Locky was out of the game by the time he'd have been hitting puberty, as was Hunt. Boyd and Milf, well, not exactly the posterboys for a teenaged wannabe half that Thurston in his peak years would have been. In that context - how were we supposed to compete? Plus he was a Cowboys fan as a kid. Sounds like it was always going to end in tears for us.

Well, maybe not tears.


NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017
Iken said on 360 last night (when others were talking about the dozen or so halve pairings Kevin has tried) that he would have stuck with Dearden and Milford and persisted with trying to develop a strong bond. Easy to look back but some merit when you think about it.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Meh don't rate him. I could be wrong but I'd have done the same thing as Walters. After he proves in NRL that he can be a good player, then he gets an extension.

I would have done what Dearden did. 300k vs no offer you take it and run.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
I still think there's a good player in there but he never looked like he believed in himself when he played.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Thurston was an elite half, one of the best we've seen.. but sure how much of that he can mentor into somebody else


NRL Captain
Mar 9, 2018
Iken said on 360 last night (when others were talking about the dozen or so halve pairings Kevin has tried) that he would have stuck with Dearden and Milford and persisted with trying to develop a strong bond. Easy to look back but some merit when you think about it.
Also easy to see why he failed in his CEO bid.
Sounds like Ikin would have extended milf for another 5yrs and upgraded him to 1.5mill just to make sure that no one “poached” him.
It’s so easy to sit back on your hi-horse when you’re in the media.
Stick to ensuring QLD don’t get another 50 put on them in a couple of weeks Ben.

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