Estimated $3 million spent by NSWRL for Ricky to topple QLD this year 2012


NYC Player
Sep 25, 2011
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Not sure how much is 'usually' spent but caught my eye when reading the article (not sure if this includes player fees of $20K each - but even if it did that would only account for $340K for 17 players - leaving $2.6+ million for...?)

"It's estimated $3 million has been spent by the NSWRL in ensuring Stuart has everything he needs to prepare a side capable of toppling Cameron Smith, Johnathan Thurston, Greg Inglis and co for the first time since 2005."

Original article is here:

Wonder what the NSWRL is going to think if they lose? Money well spent? I would imagine that even $2 million could do a lot for the NSW rugby league scene otherwise...
Yeah, I don't see what the big deal is. I mean $3 million on a 3 match series does seem ridiculous, but then I think it's ridiculous that players get paid upwards of $500K for training a few days a week and playing a game. But that's the nature of professional sport. Paying overs for people to do something because there's public interest in it.

Sure, that $3 million could probably turn a country comp in NSW around from the brink of collapse to thriving again, but then if you pooled the $4 million or so per year per club spent on player salaries in the top grade you could completely revitalise NSW Country Rugby League, and probably setup a semi professional competition in Victoria.

Lots of money gets spent on the elite. Always has. Always will. And will always be more.
Thanks for the congrats Rock, but you replied to it with quite a lot to say so musn't have been that 'pointless'.

I was just questioning whether the money is well spent etc (which you gave your opinion on). Would be good if more of that actually went to the players though as they are the ones who put the show on so to speak. Really does make the $20K per player per game look pretty small.

One more thing, is quite astounding if they managed to spend the remaining $2.6 million on what you suggested ... and finally the comment said "has been spent", so not sure if that just means up to game 2 or not.
Totally agree Rock this is the shittiest thread ever on this forum.
Can't believe the op got ragged on so hard, he wasn't attacking NSW ffs, way to go overboard at his question.
$3M on something that they could have got for free: nothing. - bahaha!!
Next time give me $3M to not give you a trophy. Sniggers.
Not only is the figure of $3m wildly speculative and unattributed to ANY source at all, it's also meaningless without a comparative figure from the Queensland budget.
Personally, I can't even understand how you could spend that much money on a team that's playing three games. The training facilities are hired, the staff costs can't possibly be that much, the biggest cost is probably the 3-4 weeks accommodation for players and staff... I'll be taking this story with my RDI of salt.
Maybe they offered a bribe to the refs s they get the calls in the next game.

Seriously don't see a problem with this though. Considering the money that professional sport attracts, particularly SOO, I really don't think it's all that unreasonable. And as Dukey points out, it's not even been confirmed yet.
Yeah, I don't see what the big deal is. I mean $3 million on a 3 match series does seem ridiculous, but then I think it's ridiculous that players get paid upwards of $500K for training a few days a week and playing a game. But that's the nature of professional sport. Paying overs for people to do something because there's public interest in it.

Are you serious?

This is another argument altogether but welcome to the world of professional sport. Rugby League players should get paid more, from top to bottom, relative to other professional sports. If it ever wants to break its shackles from this 'working class' sport mentality it needs to evolve and player's salaries are just one of those aspects.
Battlers who claim 'I work 40hrs a week plus and I get paid 50k a year bla bla bla' --> Ridiculous argument. This is professional sport.
Battlers who claim 'I work 40hrs a week plus and I get paid 50k a year bla bla bla' --> Ridiculous argument. This is professional sport.

And professional sport is special why exactly? Because people want to watch it. It's entertainment. The entire entertainment industry is obscenely overpaid.

But that's the world we live in, where we pay people who can hit/throw a ball, or read lines on screen or sing into autotune get paid millions while more worthy people have to struggle to make ends meet.
I agree completely - which is why I pointed out that if it were $3 million as they said, the players are only getting a fraction of that (and don't forget this is only the money put forward by the NSWRL, not the money/revenue generated by the whole game).

So I was curious how the 'rest' could amount to $2.6 M if the players only get just over 10% of the total amount NSWRL put it (and we are not even sure if the NSWRL even pays the players their $20K each anyway!). The article just said that was what has been spent on making sure Ricky has all he needs. The players on both sides should see a whole lot more of that cash.
And professional sport is special why exactly? Because people want to watch it. It's entertainment. The entire entertainment industry is obscenely overpaid.

But that's the world we live in, where we pay people who can hit/throw a ball, or read lines on screen or sing into autotune get paid millions while more worthy people have to struggle to make ends meet.

I'm not saying athletes or pop singers are more worthy people (vice versa), I'm simply saying they should be paid what they worth relative to their market. As you said, the money is there because the demand is there, simple economics... whether that is 'right' or 'wrong' or society is f**ked is another issue.

I don't care if a player is a douche or a good bloke, It has nothing to do with what their market value should be. NRL players as a whole are underpaid in terms of professional sport and for what the product is. It's meant to be the No. 1 winter sport in NSW and QLD and if that is the case the players are being paid under market value IMO.

I do get your point about grassroots though which was your original point and you did say getting paid 'overs' is the nature of professional sport but I don't think NRL players are being paid 'overs' is my argument. You've got the odd player on 500/600 who shouldn't be (aka Jennings) but seriously imagine how many players who are on 80-150K (fringe players) who will probably have 3-4 year careers on average (probably less)... that is just wrong.


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