Finally, a good news story for league


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
OXY-351 said:
What was Greg Bird doing at Waratah?
seeing as the girl was 15 years old, probably operating in some kind of tag team with Brett Stewart.

Great to see a positive story about a league player. Nice work, and brave selfless act by Junior Sau. [
yep good stuff. i'm sure this sort of thing happens more often than not too....kudos to the paper for running the story.
One look at Sau's thighs should have been enough for them to stop attacking the girl and run the hell away!!!
Hats off to him, well done mate. Hopefully we see more blokes like him in league in the future, gentlemen, rather than idiots.
Good on him. For every idiot player there are several just like Sau who are good blokes. It's good to see it acknowledged.
I agree with all that has been said in this thread Sau, deserves a huge pat on the back and round of applause.

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Hope he didn't touch the girl as he was helping her. Actually, he musn't have, or else that would clearly be the headline.

Well done to Sau - brave and admirable actions. For every dickhead in league there at a dozen good blokes. Bit sad that we never hear much of that.