Finals Week 1 2020

That’s such an interpretation rule, if it was Brisbane it would be a knock on.
**** yeah Panthers
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I’m glade the roosters are going to lose but there is something about Cleary I fucking hate, chin not included, maybe it’s to do with how he seemingly can do no wrong even if he breaks the law and lies about it, then gets it “okayed” by the nrl so he can win the medal at the end of the year. **** nsw
Cordner looks like the only Rooster upset about losing lol.
I’m glade the roosters are going to lose but there is something about Cleary I fucking hate, chin not included, maybe it’s to do with how he seemingly can do no wrong even if he breaks the law and lies about it, then gets it “okayed” by the nrl so he can win the medal at the end of the year. **** nsw
Not to mention making sure daddy walked out on his contract to come coach him
That was a hell of a game to watch.
I think Panthers are very much the real deal this year.

This was the type of game where in previous years they would have crumbled. Whether they can go all the way is another question, but I think they are in with a real chance. As much as anyone else really.
I think Panthers are very much the real deal this year.

This was the type of game where in previous years they would have crumbled. Whether they can go all the way is another question, but I think they are in with a real chance. As much as anyone else really.
The only thing that will stop them now is a Cam Smith masterclass (which is entirely possible)
I’m glade the roosters are going to lose but there is something about Cleary I fucking hate, chin not included, maybe it’s to do with how he seemingly can do no wrong even if he breaks the law and lies about it, then gets it “okayed” by the nrl so he can win the medal at the end of the year. **** nsw
Hes there golden boy....similar to how sterling was decades ago
Didnt watch it but i bet the Ch9 commentary was unbearable more than usual seeing most of them have a foot in both camps!!! Would have been one massive bukkake party in the box
Didnt watch it but i bet the Ch9 commentary was unbearable more than usual seeing most of them have a foot in both camps!!! Would have been one massive bukkake party in the box
Sydney certainly gave it their best shot. They started fast, found success down both sides of the field but once Mansour scored in the corner it just seemed like a repeat of last week. There was some opportunism about Penrith's tries, Cleary's first in particular is one of those ugly tries you can live with because more often than not it's a knock on but just the way Penrith put themselves in those positions were impressive. They just ran over the top of Sydney and it could have really got ugly before the referee started to find his whistle. Even so, Sydney didn't look like scoring one more try until they got lucky on a captain's challenge (I thought there was enough proof there to support the call, Cleary did get tripped up by Cordner, if he had have milked it, it would have been a penalty every day) and scored an arsey try of their own.

Even then, once it went 29-22, it was basically game. Yes, Naden gave away one of the most unforgivable penalties in the game to give Sydney one last crack, but they were always going to struggle to get the biccies.

Sydney are certainly up against it. They SHOULD face the Raiders next week, since Canberra have a Cronulla outfit who are just happy to be there. The Raiders have the running going into that game, Sydney may outclass them but even so if they do manage to topple the Raiders how much left do they have in the tank? Particularly at dummy half, they're really getting exposed their at the wrong end of the season.

Penrith look inevitable. They were fantastic tonight and despite being on the rough end and finding themselves in tight spots they managed to find gears the defending premiers didn't have. If they can replicate tonight's performance two more times, it's their premiership.