COMPLETE [Finals Week 1, 2023] Broncos vs Storm

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Man we've switched off in the last five minutes in attack.
Walsh ffs. Still love ya though.
fatty seeing something in Turncoates game tonight I’m not seeing?
Sweet Baby Jesus....

it's beautiful randy marsh GIF by South Park
Put them out of their misery and open the post game thread.
I do not watch or listen to a single thing that idiot says. He is an airbag that talks more than anyone else and takes credit for the 1 in 1 million things he gets right.
And has an arrogant air while he does, then talks down to anyone who challenges his BS
BTW, that's not in relation to Coates. I'll slag any player off in these threads but would never wish any injury on a player.

....Maybe NAS

@my comment on the top of the page
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