Finals Week 3

The fix is in ... that was a mile forward

And the ref was right next to it.
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The comentators went quiet as, like 5 seconds of silence after they saw the forward and how inline the ref was
Commentators sooking over the pass lol.

Ok it may be forward but who cares it's the Cowboys.
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Goose is having a go at the refs for the forward pass. Wouldn't be too bad if the refs cost the Cowboys the game.

Pretty much the theme of the season though, refs are fucking useless.
I would love to see it. Just imagine Gallen holding up the trophy and the courier mail and all of QLD crying like babies and throwing tanties over it

Wouldnt matter. He is a self confessed drugs cheat. Anything he achieves is tainted.
I would love to see it. Just imagine Gallen holding up the trophy and the courier mail and all of QLD crying like babies and throwing tanties over it
think ur really over exaggerating the hate most of qld has for gallen. ur judging it on a few forums posters. think most couldnt care less i personally would not mind seeing sharks win the comp. every team should win it at least once
The pass was clearly forward, and the ref was watching it.

Sharks need to win this game for the NRL. Refereeing is fucked in this game.
think ur really over exaggerating the hate most of qld has for gallen. ur judging it on a few forums posters. think most couldnt care less i personally would not mind seeing sharks win the comp. every team should win it at least once
Most people I know hate crying peptide paul.
The Cowboys need to come back and win ... i don't want to have to cheer on the Storm the rest of the season
Most people I know hate crying peptide paul.

Whats not to hate. NSWelshman, Drug cheat, thug, grub, cry baby, serial SOO loser, worst captain in NSW history, selfish ball hog to boost his stats. The list goes on.
Most people I know hate crying peptide paul.
its wierd most i know dont care less. i mean during origin we all play it up the media and everythinig but u have to be a little on the silly or gullible side if u actually believe all the papers on both sides of the border during origin. its part of the spectacle and fun. none should be taken seriously.

gallen by all reports is a decent bloke off the field bit of a sook i admit but still. alot better then someone like greg bird
I could handle the Sharks winning the comp as long as Gallen gets injured and takes no part in the GF.

The Cows have had all the football coached out of them. They are too rigid in their structures IMO. Fair enough they have had no ball but they will need to play a bit of footy in the second half.
I can't believe how many times they have juggled the ball during a set they have been woeful.
Who thought that try was a forward pass.
I think flat
I'm so happy because I hate the cowboys, sucked into all cows supporters :o_o:
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At least we can say we added to their demise
we didn't beat them last week but did the next best thing
Stupid cowboys. If we were playing, no way we would be behind. As much as I hate the Sharks I feel karma has been served.

Besides it'll be more sweet when the Sharks lose the Grand Final and we see both Ennius and Druggie crying.