Finals Week 3

Ethan Lowe's hair & facial hair. So much like my brother. He is 100% guarantee to have a beaded curtain in the doorway of his bedroom and burns incense sticks.
Morgan has risen to god level. Milford is wayyy down with the peasants
That was out. Get fucked Feldt. Arsiest player in the game. Gets so much fucking luck.

Now the Roosters are choking. Oh and a bs penalty for 6 in front.
That was out. Get fucked Feldt. Arsiest player in the game. Gets so much fucking luck.

Now the Roosters are choking. Oh and a bs penalty for 6 in front.
oh well **** you
Being a rorters fan tonight would be so much worse than copping a hiding last night. I’d be melting down if we were losing to the cows like this.
Blocka has a big sook about loose carries then quickly changes his tune after the replay lol
Hahaha how can anyone seriously say that was out. It's not luck when you keep doing it.
Ethan Lowe's hair & facial hair. So much like my brother. He is 100% guarantee to have a beaded curtain in the doorway of his bedroom and burns incense sticks.

I'm sure he does bikram yoga and eats smashed avo