OFFICIAL Glenn Retains Captaincy for 2021

Alex Glenn dons his sparkliest earrings and tears up over his testimonial match:

I agree, but in truth the only other pretty strong candidate just packed his bags for the Dragons. Without any other strong candidates around, Glenn is likely the best of what we have left.

I know the argument for Lodge has been strong in the past, but honestly he doesn't have enough footy runs on the board to overcome his reputation and until that ledger looks a little more balanced I don't see him being a realistic option.

And for mine, you eloquently state the mess we have. If we did a thought experiment and say, put Hodges as captain in this side, how would this team be different? For a start, would he tolerate mediocrity, which describes our lack of resilience under pressure, and that shoddy defence we continually display?

As for Lodge, I have no confidence in his ability to draw a team together and keep it together, and lead by example (nothing to do with his past deeds (but certainly something to do with his temperament and intellect).

The whole question of leadership or lack of it in this side since Lockyer and Hodges retired is for me important in understanding our failure as a team to come together and stay together.
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