
The scariest thing is that if you met them, you would think they were two of the most mild-mannered, loveliest men.

You would have absolutely no idea that the combined power of their little toes could slay a hundred dragons.
Jeba said:
I can't believe they found a camera big enough to fit all 4 of those biseps.

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

This is an orsm thread.
I don't know if anyone read the Sunday Mail this morning but i found it funny that a NSW selector was saying the Price and Civoniceva are the weak points of the QLD side, because they are too old and Farah would carve them up [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

if thats the weakest point that they can find with our team then they are in trouble [icon_evillaugh [icon_evillaugh
My internet struggled to open this much orsmness in one thread, I genuinely feel sorry for those foolish enough to try and tackle them!