Indigenous all stars game, Whats your pre-game tip

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most pointless game of the year. a game based on race. 2011, we have come a long way.
My tip is I'll be interested for the first 10 minutes coz footy's back, then I'll be checking my IQ to see what I've recorded that I'd rather watch
I predict a major injury to one of the favorites for the Dally M.
Agreed completely. Can you imagine if they made the pro bowl black guys against white guys!?

At least they might play hard if that was the case. Mind you, the white team would struggle to field a full side...
At least they might play hard if that was the case. Mind you, the white team would struggle to field a full side...

There'd be a QB/TE playing every position on the field.
Gonna be close, but Indigenous victory because it's politically correct and for Artie...
I predict I won't even bother taping this.
You are all such angry people. It's Rugby League on TV featuring the game's best, at a time when we are all anxious to watch some Rugby League. Just enjoy it!
Exactly Jeba.

Probably won't tune in until kick off though. I recall it took an age to start last year.
I hope it's a quality game. Last 2 have been pretty friggin' average. Mainly because one team had nothing to play for.

At least being in Artie's name gives the game some actual meaning for both teams (I should hope).

For those going, I hope there's no animosity after the flag burning BS the other week.
I am honestly not interested in this game at all. I might watch it but we will wait and see.
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