Interesting stats


BRL Player
Jul 14, 2010
On we are listed as making the most tackles in the game........Also we are 2nd in no of hit ups? The only correlation between the two that I can think of is that in defence we don't slow down the play enough giving more opportunities for more sets in a game both offensively and defensively..

Id be interested to hear others thoughts!

We also lead the league in missed tackles......thanks to Princy and Gillett.
Of the 13 teams still in contention for a finals berth, we are 1 of only 3 teams to have scored less than 400pts this year, and only 10pts off having the worst attack of those 13 teams.
Would having the most tackles by such a margin mean you guys are being forced to make a lot more defensive sets?

You are also have the highest stat for completions, lowest for errors and highest ineffective plays. It just shows that while your team is very good at staying in matches they just don't have the cattle to finish the job and score the points.
Would having the most tackles by such a margin mean you guys are being forced to make a lot more defensive sets?

You are also have the highest stat for completions, lowest for errors and highest ineffective plays. It just shows that while your team is very good at staying in matches they just don't have the cattle to finish the job and score the points.

Bring on Barba haha
Fair go, Bull Shark.

Griffin is the one who has coached them to be so good with their completions. We have the fewest errors in the game too - Again, Griffin. Once we get into the opposition 20, we had Peter Wallace running the show and just bombing to a corner on the 5th tackle. Also, Stephen Kearny is our defensive coach and remarkably, we are the worst defensive team in the comp... Surprise, surprise.

I'd be very interested to see the stats for: Tries scored, line breaks and meters made. Compare the average for the first 20 rounds to the last 4 rounds.