NEWS Interview with Tesi Niu



International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
“It’s been a really tough time for me,” said NIU about father's death “It wasn’t the way I wanted to start the season. “It’s all in God’s hands. It’s God’s plan. I know my dad is up there looking down on me and I have his support from up there. “It was a shock, but I am grateful for all the memories I had with him.”

“I need to keep some errors out of my game. The last few weeks have been tough,” Niu said. “I felt I was better against the Roosters (last Friday night), I was busy but I need to get some improvement in the small areas of my game. I did some things that cost the team the potential to win the game. “It’s little things like being confident in catching the high ball under fatigue. I need to improve under the high ball and I will go back to the drawing board this week. “That’s definitely the area I need to get better at. “Penrith is a massive test. They play the full 80 minutes and they are the best team in the comp, so we need to get our confidence back and fix up the little things or the Panthers will make us pay.”

“I do feel fullback is my best position,” he said. “I feel comfortable there and I will only get better. I am still learning a lot about fullback play and I won’t be complacent. “It was hard because I didn’t play any trials with my injury, so I’ve had to find my form coming back from my hamstring and I know I will get better from here. “I am dedicated to doing well. This happens in footy. Things don’t always go your way but I’m determined to get better.”

“Darius Boyd works with our outside backs on the catching side of things,” Walters said. “It is a work in progress for Tesi. He is going to be a target now for a long time (under the high ball) and sometimes you don’t get it right on the field. “Tesi will get better. There will be some mistakes and we accept that. It’s not easy playing in his position, but we love his attitude and his determination to get better.”
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
"God God God God Gods will God God"

Dude, you're doing NOTHING to ingratiate yourself
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
TBF, I don't think he really cares what the fans think about how he is dealing with his father's death. It's a response to a journo about a deeply sensitive issue.

He may not care what we think but he should absolutely care about what the club thinks. Grief is a very private issue and if he thinks that grief will affect his on field form then he should take a break while he's dealing with it and let someone else deal with the pressure the footy brings.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
He may not care what we think but he should absolutely care about what the club thinks. Grief is a very private issue and if he thinks that grief will affect his on field form then he should take a break while he's dealing with it and let someone else deal with the pressure the footy brings.
I think that's a ridiculous take, and an absolutely awful way to deal with human beings. He's not a robot, his mind may be adrift at times, but he's still the best fullback option at the club, it's really as simple as that. No different from any of the other bad players we have who have patches of rubbish form, or just lack the ability to begin with.

I can't be any clearer I don't rate him, but I hope he is getting nothing but support from the club. Football form is a completely different issue and if he's doing what the coach wants, he'll keep his spot, as soon as he isn't, he'll play a level below. The shock death of his father is neither here nor there.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
They're almost clones.

Broncos haven't developed a consistently good outside back since Yow Yeh.
I wonder if yow yeh would have made the transition to full back eventually, meaning we never would have went after Ben barba or even darius boyd.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I wonder if yow yeh would have made the transition to full back eventually, meaning we never would have went after Ben barba or even darius boyd.

It is a good question. He is such a good player, he really could have played absolutely anywhere and have been a gun.


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
JYY I think would have become a centre, he's bulked out a lot as he's aged. One of my favourite players ever, I'm still crushed by what happened to him and I hate that the club had to let him go during COVID. I hope he's doing well for himself.

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