James Roberts Drama

The word ‘domestic’ may suggest that the violence is limited to conduct occurring only in the home between people living together in a relationship. The risk is that conduct occurring outside the physical confines of the home or between estranged individuals or other parties – including, parent to child or adolescent, sibling to sibling, adolescent to parent – or unknown parties to each other may be overlooked.


I don't know what the **** you are talking about, but unless this alleged chick is either related to or in a relationship with Roberts it can't be domestic violence. It's pretty fucking simple.
I don't know what the **** you are talking about, but unless this alleged chick is either related to or in a relationship with Roberts it can't be domestic violence. It's pretty fucking simple.

clearly this is above your head.

Surely the concept of violence towards women is more important than semantics..?

What about violence against anyone...man or woman?

But this is Punch Drunk Australia, of course. Any time it's a woman it's suddenly becomes a pedantic THINK OF THE CHILDREN campaign, when it's a man it's business as usual. There is no need to make a link between the alleged case of a childish act (hair pulling - happens every day in schools) and 'domestic abuse', there is a distinction clearly, as the woman in question claims she doesn't know Roberts, or has never met him rather.

We categorize our violence.
Need the whole story and context for me to pass judgment... Had a mate that grabbed a chick on the arse one night in a club thinking she was someone else, he got in all sorts with the chick blowing up at him and then the boyfriend. I can't get my head around why someone walks up behind a random girl who's he's never met and yanks the **** out of her hair? He shouldn't of been there which is concerning me but as for the incident, let's wait for the full story.
Nah I'm with ya, men cop it too but it's taboo to speak of in this age. Blokes are put between a rock and a hard place in this day and age and I wonder what percentage of us have copped it from a woman. I know I have, but that's a topic for another thread. A pretty worthy one too I reckon.

Pulling a random chicks hair at a bar is obviously unacceptable for adults, but forgivable for children, so long as it's not repeated.

Like I've said, 'domestic violence' was more a lack of me finding the correct words at the time. I'm not arguing that. Violence against anyone needs to be criticised as we should be better than that as civilised humans in this day and age.

Would you agree?

Indeed. With all of that.

If Roberts did pull her hair, it's a childish act. By definition, an act of violence. I think given his track record, if true, he should be sacked. If it was an isolated incident, and the police/person involved don't want to press charges, and Roberts didn't have a track record of stupid incident after stupid incident, I would be happy with a fine and a warning from police.

We don't need hyperbole and pedantic association from certain posters in this thread (not you, soup).
The 23-year-old was also sacked from two of his previous clubs, Penrith and South Sydney for poor behaviour, also involving alcohol.
This latest incident could now mean the end for Roberts in Brisbane. Last year league bosses signalled that the centre was on his last warning, rugby league insider Ben “Dobbo” Dobbin revealed this on Tuesday’s Triple M Brisbane’s Marto and Ed Kavalee for Breakfast program.
“They (the NRL integrity unit) came out last year after the alleged allegations took place at the Normanby and said, ‘That is it for James Roberts.’ They will not be giving him another chance,” Dobson said.
“I spoke to (NRL head of media and communications) Peter Grimshaw this morning about this and what he said was, ‘We are not going to do anything at the moment, because this is only alleged,’ and there’s been no complaint lodged as yet.”
Host Greg “Marto” Martin slammed the club’s handling of the player, saying it was time those responsible for the Broncos star ensured he toed the line.
“It’s quite obvious he doesn’t just need to go to Thai rehab. He needs someone to say, ‘No, don’t go to those joints at all — you’re married with a young kid, mate,’” Martin said.
“Isn’t there a welfare officer at the Broncos? Isn’t there somebody that should check on James Roberts? Check his social calendar and go, ‘Who the hell thought it would be a great idea to go to the Magic Millions and get full of woombla?’”
“Who then thought it would be a great idea for Jimmy (Roberts) to go to a Surfers Paradise nightclub?”
But, according to Dobson, Roberts has found a way to elude club minders even when they’ve been tasked with keeping a close eye on the centre, revealing that’s what occurred during the incident of the Normanby hotel last season.
“He’s caused massive headaches for them (the Broncos). They are working overtime with him. The welfare officer was there. One of them was with him when the Normanby incident occurred,” Dobson said.
“He (the welfare officer) thought they were both going home and he (Roberts) went back in there.”
“It’s the classic you go in the first cab, we’ll get in the next one,” co-host Ed Kavalee chimed in. “It’s the oldest trick in the book."
So basically these triple m blokes think the Broncos welfare officer isn't doing his job unless he handcuffs himself to Roberts to ensure he doesn't get into striffe.

Are they fucking serious ... give me a break, what about bloody personal responsibility
Those rehabs really can be pointless unless you're putting in the hard work to sort out your head.

They are mainly an option to get people off your back. But once you're out, you're still going to have the same issues.

They teach you coping mechanisms. What to do when that craving comes back, and it does come back. It does go a long way towards helping you control it, but not if you haven't sorted out whatever issue that caused the substance abuse in the first place.

He has to get rid of the demons in his head otherwise this is just going to be a never ending cycle. He could go months without a drink, even a year, but the moment shit goes bad he is back to square one.

It's a long road for Roberts. I sympathize with the guy. Although, this alleged assault is disgusting and if it's proven to be true, I don't want him at the club anymore.
I'm going to need a better source than Dobbo.

Let the independent investigation run it's course and go from there.

As @abashi said, this trial by media is absolutely rotten and has come back to haunt a lot of players, fans and journalists.
Well Dobbo and Marto said it so it must be true, I mean there track record speaks for itself...
James should exercise personal responsibility, really should.

Can't though.

So the club ends up looking (being) foolish.

But given the events of last season, this appears to be a continuing theme.
I'm going to need a better source than Dobbo.

Let the independent investigation run it's course and go from there.

As @abashi said, this trial by media is absolutely rotten and has come back to haunt a lot of players, fans and journalists.

I agree with this 100%

When has Dobbo EVER been right?!