Jason Demetriou vs Kevin Walters



Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
The article about how Mansour was treated is enough to show you that this guy is useless, and a ****. Bad people managers should all be shot into the sun, or moon, or some other celestial body.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Honestly I think it's a credit to Bennett what Bunnies have done. Their roster isn't a top 4 roster, they've been over performing like hell while WB was there.

Having Kevie surrounded by the cream of the crop recruitment & retention has been our secret sauce.
Kevvie is part of that cream of the crop. You can just admit you got it wrong without taking credit away from Kevvie. JD sucks, and as long as you aren’t a friend or relative of his it should be pretty easy to admit.


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
Kevvie is part of that cream of the crop. You can just admit you got it wrong without taking credit away from Kevvie. JD sucks, and as long as you aren’t a friend or relative of his it should be pretty easy to admit.
tbf I've never ever been anti-kevie, only pro-JD. I was wrong about JD being as good as coach as I thoguht. Kevie is still learning, and I think hes slowly going to embrace pushing the limits of the current rules instead of trying to emulate the 90's. I think with DD, and the people he's put in has propped up Kevie while he learns.

As far as JD, a good coach would have been updating that Rabbitohs roster, it's barely a top 8 side.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
JD is doing well but he was one loss away from missing the 8. If you look at all post-Bennett teams usually they go alright year 1, it’s the second season after he’s left where the wheels fall off. I’ll withhold my judgement until next season - that is when we will really know if he’s broken the Bennett curse.
Given the context of when this thread was made, I was a bit nervous about coming across a post from me but looks like I was spot on as usual


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Like the Milford situation, a couple of hearsay comments is not enough to confirm that someone is lazy. But when they keep coming out from different sources and the results show in the field, the evidence weights up.

I think we're starting to see the same with Mitchell & Walker. Burgess' comments at the time could have been unfounded and unreasonable, but the evidence is definitely weighing up, particularly with Latrell. How much of this is down to JD, who knows, it might be an organisational thing that is allowing him a long rope as his standing as a "role model", coupled with his ego and immaturity, means he's not been pulled in to line when it was necessary, and now it's too late.

JD as head coach should be able to manage his players though. Even if others are enabling his players, he needs to have the balls to sit them down and demand certain standards. It looks like that hasn't happened.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
imagine me bumping this thread for the lols.

There is probably another half a dozen like it, to be honest.

Even after a win there is some pessimism in the air. When we were at rock bottom it would've been quite tedious.


NRL Player
May 10, 2014
Its pretty simple and most of us have at least played a game or 3. Would you rather play for Kev or JD. I think JD has some decent credentials as a coach at reserve grade level but managing nrl level is a different beast. Personally i would run through walls for Kev. And we see that. Senior Souths blokes aren't running through walls for JD.
Like I said in my quoted post- I wanted to see what he looked like in three years. Well it's been two years since that post and I think he isn't as good as touted. His team has gone backwards and like Pies he has allowed the top dogs to go unpunished for their below average form and scapegoated his young half.

Kev time and again has shown he is not afraid to put the club first. He has earned the respect of the boys. I agree if I played for Kev, he would get every ounce out of me.


NRL Player
May 10, 2014
Yet another guy that has assistant coach as his peak.
and both seem to not be able to handle criticism of any kind. No wonder these guys hate each other, they are the same type of bloke. Everything's an offense to them and they appear to have no real backbone. Communicating with these types of people would be insanity inducing. You never know where you stand with a man who can't speak honestly or lacks the confidence in his own decisions to give it to you straight.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Kev is a very good coach, he came here as a Rookie coach and had to rebuild a wooden spoon team as a Rookie coach and he is already Broncos 2nd best coach in history from what he has done making a Grand final, and he was key to getting the key players in our team to make it happen.

Kev was key to getting Reyno here and you can't deny it he went to Sydney to convince him.

What if we got someone else and they got salty about the Walsh situation and we never got him back, how would you feel about that?

Kev let Walsh go on good faith and he repaid that by coming back on good faith, arguably if not obviously our best player right now.

Not to mention how much our players love kevvie and it shows.

Our team has such a rich history and honestly any coach we ever have should be a Bronco as player beforehand, Kevvie proves this.

Hope Khunt is our future assistant after his Logan job, Broncos should keep it all in house.

There is no situation where I would accept a NSW coach at this point, **** Bellamy.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
tbf I've never ever been anti-kevie, only pro-JD. I was wrong about JD being as good as coach as I thoguht. Kevie is still learning, and I think hes slowly going to embrace pushing the limits of the current rules instead of trying to emulate the 90's. I think with DD, and the people he's put in has propped up Kevie while he learns.

As far as JD, a good coach would have been updating that Rabbitohs roster, it's barely a top 8 side.
When you remember Kevvie is a rookie coach and had to rebuild a team being a rookie, he is already a top tier coach, a special coach to do what he did, given he was given the hardest job in rugby league when he came in, Broncos are the biggest team in the code(to be fair we are the biggest team of both codes of Rugby world wide)and had garbage in the squad, he turned a spoon team into a Penrith challenger.

We tore that team apart like no other team has done all season in the final dance, sure it crumbled at the end but we did lack ball basically all game so it was kind of inevitable.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
Kev is a very good coach, he came here as a Rookie coach and had to rebuild a wooden spoon team as a Rookie coach and he is already Broncos 2nd best coach in history from what he has done making a Grand final, and he was key to getting the key players in our team to make it happen.

Kev was key to getting Reyno here and you can't deny it he went to Sydney to convince him.

What if we got someone else and they got salty about the Walsh situation and we never got him back, how would you feel about that?

Kev let Walsh go on good faith and he repaid that by coming back on good faith, arguably if not obviously our best player right now.

Not to mention how much our players love kevvie and it shows.

Our team has such a rich history and honestly any coach we ever have should be a Bronco as player beforehand, Kevvie proves this.

Hope Khunt is our future assistant after his Logan job, Broncos should keep it all in house.

There is no situation where I would accept a NSW coach at this point, **** Bellamy.
The whole Walsh situation is probably part of what will help keep him here til he retires.
He's seen the other side and knows how much he loves the club. Even though he was a Warrior he was always a Bronco and he figured that out pretty quick.


NRL Player
Jul 28, 2023
Look on the bright side we aren't like the Tigers they have back to back wooden spoons I glad Kevvie Saved us


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
This thread is beautiful
The Simpsons Kiss GIF by FOX International Channels


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
I just can't believe how nearly all of Wayne's recommended coaches end up getting sacked before they get an extension.

I don't even think it's a Wayne thing but it's a bit ridiculous at this point. Maybe they try to emulate him and that doesn't work out for them instead of coaching their own way? JD was always highly regarded.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
I just can't believe how nearly all of Wayne's recommended coaches end up getting sacked before they get an extension.

I don't even think it's a Wayne thing but it's a bit ridiculous at this point. Maybe they try to emulate him and that doesn't work out for them instead of coaching their own way? JD was always highly regarded.
I think they're fucked either way

Try and maintain the WB approach? They'll be slammed for trying (and failing) to be him and not being their own coach

Try to do something different? They'll get slammed for throwing out a "working" blueprint and trying too hard to stamp their own mark.

Lesson is basically don't be the main assistant to WB, poisoned chalice.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I think they're fucked either way

Try and maintain the WB approach? They'll be slammed for trying (and failing) to be him and not being their own coach

Try to do something different? They'll get slammed for throwing out a "working" blueprint and trying too hard to stamp their own mark.

Lesson is basically don't be the main assistant to WB, poisoned chalice.


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