NEWS Joan Taufua charged with manslaughter

Sneaky Pete on a hiding to nothing in the twitter for this article. New lows from him using the haas family as click bait.

Might be me being a bit cynical, but i cant help have the feeling this has been carefully orchestrated by the Haas family with the way the interviews and articles have been coming out from them in recent weeks.

Trying to play the poor me card with headlines like " Single Dad with 9 kids: Haas family's horror " is as @Nashy said, gross.
Might be me being a bit cynical, but i cant help have the feeling this has been carefully orchestrated by the Haas family with the way the interviews and articles have been coming out from them in recent weeks.

Trying to play the poor me card with headlines like " Single Dad with 9 kids: Haas family's horror " is as @Nashy said, gross.
They still need a willing broadcaster though.
They still need a willing broadcaster though.

Badel has no morals. At the end of the day, its probably a little you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours type of deal. The Courier Mail will probably agree to put out some sympathetic articles and in exchange they may get the scoop on his next contract.
It sets up Payne leaving for triple the coin. It's just all lining up too neatly. Sob stories about how tough the family are doing it (and look I don't doubt they are, but...yeah). The multiple rugby stories during the week. Now dollars being leaked... The plot is being revealed. I was in the 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' camp last year, but he has won me back deluxe. I'll be devastated when (if) he goes. We probably have more chance of losing him when (if) we do go all the way.
It sets up Payne leaving for triple the coin. It's just all lining up too neatly. Sob stories about how tough the family are doing it (and look I don't doubt they are, but...yeah). The multiple rugby stories during the week. Now dollars being leaked... The plot is being revealed. I was in the 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' camp last year, but he has won me back deluxe. I'll be devastated when (if) he goes. We probably have more chance of losing him when (if) we do go all the way.
We've got him for next year still. So he can help us win back to back premierships and leave a champ.
Unless Sonny Bill gets him to do a Sonny Bill and run off to France 😆
And then return in a couple years to the rorters... wait that's exactly what's going to happen isn't it

Sad Kristen Bell GIF
Might be me being a bit cynical, but i cant help have the feeling this has been carefully orchestrated by the Haas family with the way the interviews and articles have been coming out from them in recent weeks.

Trying to play the poor me card with headlines like " Single Dad with 9 kids: Haas family's horror " is as @Nashy said, gross.
They're pretty good at it ;) A PR campaign, that's what they did.
Sneaky Pete on a hiding to nothing in the twitter for this article. New lows from him using the haas family as click bait.
Don't see anything wrong in the story itself. The case was reported ad-nauseam for weeks because Payne is a major celebrity in Brisbane, plus currently the most talked about athlete in the entire country. Adding context to what he's going through at home is public interest.

How you judge the father's apparent solipsism is up to you. There is humanity in there, and the article contained no judgement. It was neither a hit piece nor a make over.

The fact we are talking about it justifies it being printed. Whether Badel clipped the quotes to make him look selfish, none of us can tell. Just because his wife, Payne's mother, is a complete reprobate doesn't mean her family should publicly sink the boot into her to titillate the baying crowd.
Don't know where else to mention this, but this thread will have to do.

Not sure if you remember a story from October last year about Prue Connolly, a pisshead Broncos sales exec who got busted driving drunk down a buslane calling the cops *****. She got off with a six-month probation order and lost her licence for a year. Story here:

Turns out she subsequently/consequently got the boot, and has hooked up with a Class A drug peddler, who's been nabbed setting up a cook shed out west of Kingaroy. In an reportedly unrelated incident, she's been found guilty of coke possession, and accused of obstructing the feds, resulting in a nine month good behaviour bond.

You can do it, Prue. Only 272 sleeps to go.

Good to see we still have excellence in this organisation.

Who the hell even approved of such a trainwreck to work with us.
Don't know where else to mention this, but this thread will have to do.

Not sure if you remember a story from October last year about Prue Connolly, a pisshead Broncos sales exec who got busted driving drunk down a buslane calling the cops *****. She got off with a six-month probation order and lost her licence for a year. Story here:

Turns out she subsequently/consequently got the boot, and has hooked up with a Class A drug peddler, who's been nabbed setting up a cook shed out west of Kingaroy. In an reportedly unrelated incident, she's been found guilty of coke possession, and accused of obstructing the feds, resulting in a nine month good behaviour bond.

You can do it, Prue. Only 272 sleeps to go.

Wonder if she had anything to do with Isaiah Perese…. Some dark times back then. Stick to playing footy fellas, you gotta be peddling a whole lot of gear to get close to what you can earn for just running into khuntz