OFFICIAL Kevin Walters Steps Down As Broncos Coach

Never forget: “we are 5 rounds in out of 25 rounds” (actually 27 rounds), “so we are a quarter of the way through the season” (less than a fifth through the season), “so if you have a pie and it’s cut into 4 slices and you take away a slice we still have 3 slices of pie to go” (oh god).

What was this?
I do however think he should have been given another season to see if we could play the same footy we played on 2023.
Mate 2023 was an anomaly that Kevin couldn’t reproduce. He didn’t really know why they won at times or why they lost and a big part of why he is no longer here. He was given 2024 to to do it again and instead did 2022. Time to take his picture off the wall.
Good luck.
Mate 2023 was an anomaly that Kevin couldn’t reproduce. He didn’t really know why they won at times or why they lost and a big part of why he is no longer here. He was given 2024 to to do it again and instead did 2022. Time to take his picture off the wall.
Good luck.
All good, it's off the wall. It's my personal view that he should have been given 2025, that's all. No big deal. We should still thank Kevy for 2023. Was a great time for the fans.
Never forget: “we are 5 rounds in out of 25 rounds” (actually 27 rounds), “so we are a quarter of the way through the season” (less than a fifth through the season), “so if you have a pie and it’s cut into 4 slices and you take away a slice we still have 3 slices of pie to go” (oh god).
Sounds like his twin brother's campaigning for the Senate.
Lol so the staff are throwing pelters out to protect their own asses now... maybe Kev was onto something when talking about loyalty.

Place is just run like a business now... Is there any football knowledge in the joint anymore...
Lol so the staff are throwing pelters out to protect their own asses now... maybe Kev was onto something when talking about loyalty.

Place is just run like a business now... Is there any football knowledge in the joint anymore...
Not reviewing the tapes is pretty fucking amateur hour. Explains why we looked so clueless.

I don't think having the press cosy up to him - as comforting as it was - ultimately helped our cause. This was the turning point:

And then when he snapped at Travis Meyn in that press conference, it was all over.
Kevins ultimate failure which lead to his sacking was not dropping his son. Also inside word about the review was senior players told their opinion about Billy as a starting hooked and kev "decided" to step down because he didn't want to create any issues within his family house hold. That's why in his interview he only thanked his family and supporting staff.
(Reyno who in form is a top 3 halfback you could say

Hughes , Cleary , Moses and Trindall are all in front of him without thinking too hard .

And Walsh best full back ?? Wha ?????

You do spray around a lot of unwarranted compliments .
The evidence is mounting as parts of the review are leaked. His position was untenable despite 2023.
A few posters it seems have summised correctly at the faults within the club.
The Kev defenders at some point will have to accept they got it wrong and there were wider issues which were being reflected in the playing performance.

Defend him by all means but you're starting to resemble Andy Dufresne trying to fend off the sisters, fighting the good fight but with an inevitable conclusion.
Lol so the staff are throwing pelters out to protect their own asses now... maybe Kev was onto something when talking about loyalty.

Place is just run like a business now... Is there any football knowledge in the joint anymore...
At the moment, the only football knowledge we have at the club comes from Adam Reynolds. When Te’o and Barrett arrive it will be slightly more, but not much more.
I personally dont think Kevvie can handle the pressure when things arent going well. Thats probably a big reason we disposed of him. And as i keep saying, i dont think it was ever that we lost games that eventually got him the boot, it was how we lost games that got him the boot.
"One staff member would spend hours cutting up vision each week with a view to it being used at the upcoming meeting of Broncos players to analyse the good and bad things they did in the previous game.

When the footage ended up on the cutting-room floor, not being reviewed each week, the staffer felt it was a futile exercise. Weekly preparation began to suffer."

This is the part that sank in with me. This explains the same errors committed over and over again like Cobbo getting run over the sideline nearly every game, Walsh repeatedly going for a hail Mary pass instead of dying with the ball etc.

After reading this I think the Broncos have done the right thing in moving Kevvie on.