THE EX Kevin Walters

Kev coaching record
Catalan dragons 57 games 37% win rate
Broncos 92 games 50% win rate

Now let’s compare these stats with other coaches thrown into similar situations.

Catalan dragons coach before Kevvie
Mick potter 89 games win rate of 46%

Catalan dragons coach after kevvie left
Trent Robinson 63 games win rate of 59%

The team improved before him and after him.

Brisbane broncos coach before Kevvie
Anthony seibold 38 games win rate of 37%.

This is significantly worse than Kev but let’s compare both Seibold and Kev first year at broncos you will find

Anthony Seibold 25 games win rate of 46%
Kevin walters 25 games win rate of 28%

This is actually a worse record than Seibold.

Kevvies win rate has only improved with the inclusion of Adam Reynolds it seems.

Comparing both coaches total records you will find that

Anthony Seibold total coaching record
105 games at 47% win rate.

Kevin walters total coaching record
149 games at 46% win rate

They have basically the same record. I would be very curious to see what Kev win rate percentage would be without Adam Reynolds playing considering how awful 2021 and 2024 season has been when he isn’t present.

I think it needs to be said that a good coach knows how to adapt and not rely on top players to create set plays. Ivan Cleary has done this without Nathan Cleary playing this year. Wayne bennet is winning with katoa and nikorima as his halves combination.
Kev coaching record
Catalan dragons 57 games 37% win rate
Broncos 92 games 50% win rate

Now let’s compare these stats with other coaches thrown into similar situations.

Catalan dragons coach before Kevvie
Mick potter 89 games win rate of 46%

Catalan dragons coach after kevvie left
Trent Robinson 63 games win rate of 59%

The team improved before him and after him.

Brisbane broncos coach before Kevvie
Anthony seibold 38 games win rate of 37%.

This is significantly worse than Kev but let’s compare both Seibold and Kev first year at broncos you will find

Anthony Seibold 25 games win rate of 46%
Kevin walters 25 games win rate of 28%

This is actually a worse record than Seibold.

Kevvies win rate has only improved with the inclusion of Adam Reynolds it seems.

Comparing both coaches total records you will find that

Anthony Seibold total coaching record
105 games at 47% win rate.

Kevin walters total coaching record
149 games at 46% win rate

They have basically the same record. I would be very curious to see what Kev win rate percentage would be without Adam Reynolds playing considering how awful 2021 and 2024 season has been when he isn’t present.

I think it needs to be said that a good coach knows how to adapt and not rely on top players to create set plays. Ivan Cleary has done this without Nathan Cleary playing this year. Wayne bennet is winning with katoa and nikorima as his halves combination.

That's not entirely a fair comparison, Seibold stepped in at Souths and had a great first season.

Kev had to rebuild the club.
We also made it on the back of high error rates and players building combinations due to almost no injuries.

I’m not a fan of how we are going and the stupid errors that keep on happening but I refuse to believe any coach, even a useless one, would not be trying their hardest to get players to get the errors out of their game. Kevvie isn’t the one out there dropping balls again and again.

And the thing is, these dropped balls are basic skill errors, it isn’t even like it’s from passes or offloads being pushed that aren’t there and I feel like that’s improved on last year. Unfortunately basic skills still suck.

Thats the thing with playing high risk football. When it works, even making errors you can still win games. I dont think Kevvie isnt working hard, i just dont think he's got the answers for whatever reason. This is his 4th year now and i personally think we should be at the stage now we have strong base to work from. I've got no idea why we look so ragged and frantic all the time.
I really wanted Kevvie to be the guy and we were 20 minutes away from that being a reality. Now it’s almost certain that he’s not the guy. The fear is that who are we bringing in that’s gonna be the guy. We’ve tried several coaches and it’s all gone balls up.
That's not entirely a fair comparison, Seibold stepped in at Souths and had a great first season.

Kev had to rebuild the club.

It is actually an extremely fair comparison. Kev didnt rebuild anything from 2021 hence why I mentioned the awful 28% win rate. His winrate percentage only improved once adam reynolds joined the club in 2022, you can take this stat even further comparing Kevs win rate in 2024 without reynolds in the squad injured. Seibold winrate at souths was also improved from the inclusion of adam reynolds. Both coaches have had similar talent during their coaching career and have shown similar results. I like Kev and want him to do well and was very happy with last year but if you look at things realistically you will see a clear trend.
When we miss the 8 this year, which is all but guarenteed now, kevvie has to be sacked. 1 finals appearance in 4 years is not good enough. It’s evident that he has no idea what he is doing as a coach and that none of his assistants believe they will learn anything under him which is why they have all left. Kevvie had his chance, now the old boys can shut up and Kevvie can go.
I'm frankly shocked about the mozer response from Kev. That's a diabolical thing to say. The kid was getting a wrap and rightly so, back him in and give him some sun. Not make it all about your own fucking kid. That's under 12s level shit.
I didn't think it was bad at all TBH. It was more a protection of Mozer to keep his feet on the ground.
He knew the question was coming that's for sure and closed it down then did give him a wrap a bit later.
I have always feared kevvie got too caught up in this entertaining brand of “broncos football” that he’s neglected the fundamentals it was all built upon. The phins play more like the broncos of old than we do.

Even last season, we were doing all the same stupid things, pushing passes, failing to get to kicks, putting everything on a low percentage play instead of building any pressure & wearing down the opposition. Just a lack of any general game management or awareness that comes with being a footy player. Individual freak athleticism bailed us out in a lot games, we could be playing ordinary for 60mins and then grab a few quick try’s off a piece of long range skill & athleticism and run away with the game. It both got us a big lead in the GF and then lost it for us. This season they have played much the same, but the freak athletes haven’t always been there to bail us out & through frustration we would push more passes & just dig ourselves deeper. We have no consistency in performance because we don’t have that grounding to fall back on, we live & die on individual performances.

The wk1 final last year against Melbourne is the best we have played under kevvie, they went out and executed a disciplined game plan where everyone bought in & played their role, that should be the team we want to be and it shows that kevvie is capable of coaching it.
You had me until the last line. Why does 1 game show he is capable of coaching it but the 4 seasons either side of that 1 game not prove that he isn't capable.
He was kissed on the dick when Reyno and Walsh became available.
When we didn't have the talent we were crap and showed zero signs of improvement.
Now we have the talent and still show zero signs of improving our basics.
He will get time because of the GF but KW is the 1 most in need of improvement in our club.
Who he selects as his assisstants next year will tell a tale, probably the biggest decision of his coaching career.
We also made it on the back of high error rates and players building combinations due to almost no injuries.

I’m not a fan of how we are going and the stupid errors that keep on happening but I refuse to believe any coach, even a useless one, would not be trying their hardest to get players to get the errors out of their game. Kevvie isn’t the one out there dropping balls again and again.

And the thing is, these dropped balls are basic skill errors, it isn’t even like it’s from passes or offloads being pushed that aren’t there and I feel like that’s improved on last year. Unfortunately basic skills still suck.
Isn't that the point though. We all know KW is trying his hardest to stop the errors but he isn't close to achieving it. He therefore isn't the coach to take this group forward because he can't get them to listen or find a way to reign in there high risk attitude.
I acknowledge that we are a big club... same as united.. my issue with both clubs is that they no longer operate like big clubs.

They no longer have the best players, they no longer chase and head hunt the best players, they no longer have the best coaching, they no longer set the standard of operating as a club, they no longer set the standard for playing on the field, they no longer innovate on the field, etc.

If a club is no longer doing these things then how can they still be considered at the top of their respective leagues.
Not sure about MU but while the Broncos are putting bums on seats, selling merchandise, topping up shareholders dividends, pushing Nines ratings up then News Ltd are happy. While sponsors are still crawling over each other to get a piece of the action and a profit is forthcoming they couldn’t give a **** about the fans and winning games. They are making money and nothing else matters. Coach - what’s that ?
Once again ridiculous to sink the boot in when the coach could barely string together 17 players. I really don’t know what people were expecting tonight with that side we put out there.
I expect that we would have a defensive structure that can control the ruck, first man catches , second man around the legs, 3rd man over the top with the sleeping pills.
I expect a rucking structure that gives the forwards a chance at not being folded every tackle and a chance of finding their front.
I expect when we get inside 30 we can get to the far post and run the block play that every other side seems to do.
Todd Payten with good PR and more media mates...

In all seriousness. Give the guy a chance to bounce back next year. Sometimes when you overachieve one year the next year can look like an underachieve but in reality you are more closer to what you are. I think it's more in the higher scale though because of injuries etc. Sometimes a group all just have a great year at the same time.... and having a deep run and 10% less hunger can really limit your ceiling the next year. Sometimes you think it will just happen by itself.

Hmm this reminds me of a team in 2022. Anyway.
I just think even with the players that are missing, we’ve still had quality players getting paid good money. Having ONE good year isn’t good enough. I just don’t see how next year will be any different with him? We’ve been down this road before and it isn’t pretty. I don’t know how miraculously he can turn them around. I feel he has heavily relied on Reynolds and once he was injured he’s had no idea how to coach them. Who’s to say Reynolds won’t get injured again next year, then what? Same situation again. Like he said last night he just doesn’t know how to fix this, and we don’t either.
I didn't think it was bad at all TBH. It was more a protection of Mozer to keep his feet on the ground.
He knew the question was coming that's for sure and closed it down then did give him a wrap a bit later.

Still weird that out of pure reflex he went with Billy. Obviously both hookers, but you could’ve named anyone else and no one would’ve cared.

And what he says is true in that Billy didn’t have a bad game from what I saw outside of that idiotic challenge, but Kev has to remember that Billy will always be a point of contention just by virtue of Mozer existing. He still needs to get some help on navigating press conferences, particularly when charged with emotion, because he’ll get picked apart for any gaffe he makes.


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