Geez that's a bit harsh.
Watching us under Seibold were very dark times, we would be happy under Seibold if we at least competed. How many times did get done by 50?
I don't think it's harsh to compare at all. I'm not comparing to Siebold, I'm comparing to Kev's first year. We are in the same place, forget the past 2 years and look at where we're sitting on the table and how we're playing. No structure, no cohesion, Payne running in circles and grubbering for himself, no thought to modify our defence despite getting burned again and again and again. No assistant coaches, cap bent way out of shape due to FOMO overpaying. We're in the same place. The fucking Bulldogs just put 41 on us.
It's even worse if as rumoured, Kev's game plan was to go through the middle and they practised it all week only to go sideways on Saturday. Surely the team, the
whole team, can't be that fucking dumb?
Lol this is a terrible take. Look at it this way. Back to back improvements from spoon, to 14th, 9th, 2nd and a gf. This is the first season wr have regressed in three years.
It's not about our position on the ladder, it's about how we're playing. We thought we'd made it in 2022 before a fall from grace of epic proportions. We hoped everyone at the club would learn from that and it appeared that they had last year. Then this year out they trot and keep dishing up the same mediocre garbage all year, seemingly expecting to just waltz through the comp like last year without doing the hard work. Same as 2022, so they hadn't actually learned - players or Kev, seemingly. Now we seem likely to be bottom 4 this year.
Bottom four. How the **** do you go from 15 minutes away from a GF win to quite literally one of the worst teams in the competition??
And don't give me Origin, that happens every fucking year and the Broncos have had far more players involved in years gone by. I hate it, but if any club should have a method to manage the Origin impact, it's ours. Injuries, yes, and we've been lacking key players for huge chunks of the year. But that doesn't explain the lack of structure. Kev's had four years and the team still have nothing to fall back on.
Again, poor Payne was running around like a headless Walsh chook before putting in a grubber. How fucking frustrated do you think he has to be to try something like that?? That's coaching. How is it that after 4 years we get to the red zone and still not have a single fucking clue how to do anything except try a sweep play? How is it that we are still so fucking weak defensively on our edges, the same thing we fans have been hollering about for years? Nothing about how this team plays is changing for the better, absolutely nothing. We have regressed significantly from last year, we're not even doing the things that were working for us then.
What do the apologists think is going to change in the next 12 months that hasn't changed in the past 4 years? I genuinely don't see it, not without some serious assistant coach firepower and that doesn't appear likely either.