@1910 do you have an opinion?
Do you think Kev deserves another year.
Is 2024 purely about our injuries.
Will he survive if we get pumped by Melb or is that result irrelevant

I don't think they need a new coach no, but I do think they need to review the type of staff around Kev.
I think for too long the Broncos have fallen into the trap of good player equals good coaching staff, but it doesn't.
Let's see how Dolphins defence goes today?
I lean towards guys like Ahearn or Smith- good teachers and even Ballin. I have been calling for Smith but now the Dolphins have snapped him up for next year so that's gone. Who did Bennett have in the box with him last night? The Norths coach Dave Elliot.
Before that I think the Broncos need to get old school- rock hard fitness and a 12-week pre-season will fix a lot of things. Bennett used to say soft gyms make soft people- no music no air con just work.
The Broncos need a Billy Johnstone off season. Rocky four- here is the equipment you require type stuff.
If you're super fit, your defence improves your resilience improves. I said months ago they had a 94-96 Broncos about them, and I stand by that- the hard work hasn't been done somewhere along the line and if you haven't done it, you can't find it in August.
Everyone has dropped something they were doing better in pre-season 22. I am sure of it- only they know but I bet it.
That's where I would start.
They don't put premiership rings on smooth hands.