Found a few comments in that post match interview very telling.
Firstly, he let slip that "over the next 2-3 weeks" is the timeline when change will be happening.
When asked about if everyone's under review, he looked absolutely rattled. Started fidgeting, looked uncomfortable. He's been pretty quiet/calm up to this point, but this was actual nerves showing through tonight.
I think Donuts has taken a month, and decided on drastic changes. GOOD! Burn the joint down Donuts.
From the looks of Kev, he knows he's up on the wall now. If we spoon, doubt Kev sees out the year.
The biggest challenge is even if we shred our current roster, who do/can we even buy for next year that's going to save us from the train wreck?
If the club is in disarray and couldn't tip water out of a boot with instructions written on the heel, then who's going to come here? Has beens and rejects on overs?
This is now a 5 year problem unless we land some killer blows - like recruiting a top class coach. If it were my club, I'd throw stupid amounts of money at Bellyache. Like 10Mil signing bonus. **** the NRL's admin cap, they can suck a fat one - what have we got to lose honestly?
Club is a PLC... if this nonsense continues, share price will crash, memberships crash, attendence faulter - no money in = massive cutbacks and sell offs which puts us in an even worse position.