NEWS Kotoni Staggs is ready to punch the shit out of anyone

Brisbane's own Kotoni Staggs is about to join the long list of NRL wannabe pugilists, signing a deal to make his ring debut on Paul Gallen's undercard in December. Staggs was hit up by Tim Tszyu's promoters Matt and George Rose, and Kevvie's given it all the a-okay.

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Talk shit, get hit

George Rose:

“We are excited to get someone as talented as Kotoni Staggs in the ring. He is a super football player and now he will get the opportunity to do something different in the off-season. We are pretty excited to see him fight and I’m sure plenty of other league fans are keen to see how Kotoni goes. The Broncos have approved it. It’s a good opportunity for Kotoni to stay fit. When most people are having a break, he will be keeping his body in great condition and doing something different to test himself."

“Kotoni has had a little bit of amateur experience but this is totally different to what he is used to doing. Boxing is great for fitness training, but jumping in the ring is very different. To take the next step and jump in the ring is a huge commitment. Kotoni is a great athlete so he could be explosive in the ring. We haven’t found an opponent yet for Kotoni. The date will be early December and Kotoni will appear on the Paul Gallen card, we are still sorting out locations and an opponent for Gallen.”

Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
“Kotoni said, ‘How come you keep hitting me’. I said, ‘Because you are wide open, keep your guard up.

This just made me lol.

If you keep getting hit and you’re asking how that keeps happening, perhaps boxing is not for you..

It sounds like he was going into this cocky thinking he was a good boxer and the training sessions has made him realize just how amateur he is.


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
Damn, would have been a great 3rd party supplement.
At least his jaw wont be broken coming into the season


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