Let's bag the Titans

Flutterby said:
Seriously? Is this really what this site has come to? :roll:

Bagging out an opposition team who we don't like? It's no different to bagging out NSW, or Rocky bagging out QLD.
Flutterby said:
Seriously? Is this really what this site has come to?

Come to, it's always been like this. (just not as subtle)

Nothing different to other forums.
Did the Titans seriously sign Idris when they already have a talented but defensively flawed centre in Tomane?
They sign Idris to join their youthful backline (barring old Prince) and yet their forwards are what need bolstering. Bailey hasn't got much left and then there's Big Red and ummmm... can't remember the rest of the nuffies and they get rid of Friend to afford Idris?!?! Who is running that place? :shock:
They need to get their priorities right, they need to sign a talented five eigth first before going after Idris.

I think the Titans will be okay without Friend come 2012, Srama looks like a good talent from where I sit.

Last year they stuck the boot into us saying "were not little brother anymore" "we will outdo you soon" blah blah blah...

Bottom of the ladder, Prince playing like a princess, losing Nathan Friend to sign Idris on 360k for 5 YEARS.

Suck it.
The biggest gossip in town saw me kissing my sister at the footy. Now everybody is going to know I support the Titans.
this one time i had a nightmare where i saw all these full on bogans and full on loser types, i thought i was in prison, but then the nightmare got worse when i realized i was at a titans game.