They did. Reference was made to Ezra's eccentric character, noting him "marching to the beat of his own drum and having python snakes as pets and rocking his own dress and fashion sense, which regularly includes painted nails". Further, at last years presentation ball, a few days after the grand final loss, Mam was "the only person at the venue wearing shorts." Additionally, Ezra was "singled out by Broncos CEO Dave Donaghy and modelled his unique look to the applause of 700 people". WTF. Dave Donaghy should have been telling him to put a pair of trousers on for christs sake.
Oh, he also wore a $2300 Gucci shirt to his birthday party, obtaining a leave pass by Maroons coach Billy Slater to attend his own party.
I think the bloke seriously needs to just delete all social media and put his focus 100% on footy. He will be a better man, and player, for it.