OFFICIAL Margaux Parker doesn't announce that Corey will play the 9s

I doubt he'd be as vocal if he wasn't expressly instructed to be so. He hasn't earned the respect of the team on the field yet and barking instructions without having done the hard yards to me seemed very very strange. Despite that he may be that rarest of talent who utterly believes in himself and has no doubt whatsoever that his new team will march to his drumbeat, lead and they will follow. When I say his team I mean it in a possessive sense.

I'm reminded of that scene from Watchmen, Rorschach: I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.
Barking instructions is his job mate. Put it this way, if you hire a manager you expect them to come in and manage. They don't need to earn respect they need to get the damn job done. Same goes here. Croft was signed to be a half back who manages our team. Nothing strange about it.

We winge about people not taking the lead or managing. Then we see it happening and we find it strange because they haven't done the hard yards. I find this forum strange sometimes.
Barking instructions is his job mate. Put it this way, if you hire a manager you expect them to come in and manage. They don't need to earn respect they need to get the damn job done. Same goes here. Croft was signed to be a half back who manages our team. Nothing strange about it.

Not sure that you're the management material we are looking for mate, all the staff hate you, unfortunately, I can't fire all of them, so you have to go mate.
I didn't see anyone 'barking instructions', he was giving positive/constructive feedback on the plays they were running. As the halfback, I'd say he was well within his rights.

That being said, on game night he damn well better be barking instructions, respect be damned, otherwise he's not a halfback's arsehole.
Not sure that you're the management material we are looking for mate, all the staff hate you, unfortunately, I can't fire all of them, so you have to go mate.

We know that your position requires a lot of skill and specialist knowledge, but we're going to replace you with this guy who delivers pizzas on a bike for Dominos.
We know that your position requires a lot of skill and specialist knowledge, but we're going to replace you with this guy who delivers pizzas on a bike for Dominos.

You missed the most important part. He has a discount card for all the playing group.
Not uncommon for a new half to be barking instructions at the players.

Milford was doing that when he first came to the club, so have other players. They want to make their mark on the side and have the players doing what they want them to do.
Am I the only one who’s actually really excited to see Parker play in the 9s?
Is the co-captain story about Boyd and Glenn doing the rounds just another rumour or has it been confirmed?
Is the co-captain story about Boyd and Glenn doing the rounds just another rumour or has it been confirmed?

rumour ... and as a kicker, the rumour comes from Dobbo
Dobbo has been surprisingly right a few times, especially about pre-season stuff. Has named some First Round 1-17s that seemed impossible yet were absolutely correct.
Dobbo has been surprisingly right a few times, especially about pre-season stuff. Has named some First Round 1-17s that seemed impossible yet were absolutely correct.
Dobbo doesn’t seem like a bad guy. If I was was the Broncos I’d rather give Dobbo the mail than any of the other dogrooting vultures!!