Marritt charged for feet-first tackle

Who the hell is Marritt anyway?
^ Lol I just noticed that, I thought my typos was bad :P
It's BS that filthy Billy gets warned TWICE for doing this, and the next player to do it is instantly charged. Rubbish.
Wasn't he warned twice last year? Before the crackdown?

Weren't the warnings very well communicated so everyone could see that the NRL wants it stopped?

I knew about it, clearly you knew about it, how did this drop-kick not know about it? It's his fault, not Billy's.
the difference is Merrit actually kicked him in the face and made the guy bleed. Billy never made contact.
It's not the difference at all really. The year is the difference. Billy did it BEFORE the NRL started cracking down on it.
Jebadude said:
It could be argued that Slater was the smartest fullback in the game, he was saving tries no other fullback could by using his pace and technique to get his feet under the football. It may have been dangerous but no one got hurt and sanity has now prevailed and it is banned and he hasn't done it this year because he is smarter than that.

What Cameron Smith did to Thaiday was no better or worse than about 50 grapples earlier in the season that went unpunished from players at many teams. I applaud the crack down on the grapple tackle this year but what happened to Cameron Smith AND ONLY Cameron Smith last year was a joke.

Nothing you have posted Jeb proves anything that QLD'er or others have said wrong. Clearly your sig demonstrates the person here with the biggest agenda.

Meh, everyone knows my agenda anyway.

And I knew QLDer's little buddy would be jumping on here to defend him [icon_wink

No doubt it was smart play by Slater at the time, doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to have the opinion that that style of tackle should be banned. Would've said the same thing if it was Slater, Hunt, Gidley, Merritt, Wesser, Patten, Stewart etc etc who did it first.

Cameron Smith's grapple was different to others in the fact that he physically wrapped his hands around Thaiday's neck and gave it a couple of yanks in a very uncomfortable direction. It looked like he was trying to rip his head off.

Yay i didnt realise i had a little buddy! GO ME!
Nashy said:
Wasn't he warned twice last year? Before the crackdown?

Weren't the warnings very well communicated so everyone could see that the NRL wants it stopped?

I knew about it, clearly you knew about it, how did this drop-kick not know about it? It's his fault, not Billy's.
Yeah I'm just annoyed that Billy was never charged, and was warned twice. I have no problem with Merrit being cited - it's a dog act no matter who performs it. I expect jockey will have another brain explosion and try it again at some stage though.