Nate Myles Out of Origin

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. awesome. exactly. [icon_lol1.
mrslong said:
Go to the ground floor ffs, there's toilets always open in a Hotel. Whocares if you're naked, grab something and cover up...even if it's a vase or whatever

While there is probably no excuse for taking a dump anywhere but a toilet (unless you're german perhaps), do you not think that it still would have been an equally bad story if he'd been running through a hotel with a vase in front of his wheels?
it would still be bad, but wouldn't be as bad as this.
Steve said:
lockyer47 said:
It was dumb. But harsh penalty.

Absolute rubbish.

Myles is an embarrassment and should be stamped "never to pull on a Qld jersey again". He's humiliated himself but also stained the jersey.

Hold on, at the time the full story wasn't out yet.

I now agree with the punishment given - probably just.

Lets get serious here - he went out the wrong door and was locked out when he needed to shite. He's in a bad situation there. (Albeit no one's fault but his own - which is why he'll cop the punishment)

To say he should never play again for QLD and all that - turn it up!

Timing is everything - he shouldn't have put himself in that situation, when will they learn.

I have to say, must be terrible to be a 'normal' footy player right now. The media scrutiny is harsh now. HARSH. Can't even have a beer!