CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 22 Discussion

Preston completely bombing the try there... has thrown it over his head from 3m away.

It's like neither team wants to win today
Now Mahoney kicks it out on the full by like 5m... whichever team just calms down probably wins this
What the hell happened to dolphins defence there... wasn't even a block play and Averillo just runs through a massive gap to get to the try line
Do the dogs not want to score??

They've just bombed another try off a clean break... They should be up by like 3 tries so far
This looks to be momentum, but now they decide double movement.

So inconsistent, but they'll stick with the onfield, because refs can never be wrong
Nope... massive double movement... zero IQ from TPJ... who woulda thunk it
And now the dogs are behind after bombing 2-3 tries...
That is a poor miss for forward pass by the linesman.
Dogs win because of a random field goal on half time to go up by 3