NRL Player Movements & Rumours

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International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I'm talking about this year when both players were off contract. The Broncos had the opportunity to offer Tom that deal but went with Herbie and I don't think anybody would argue.

In 2018 Tommy could see the writing on the wall with Kotoni coming through. I don't think you could have a more poetic moment than Tommy going down early in a game, Kotoni making his debut and scoring a double.
They offered Tom a deal for 2020, he just got a better one at Parra.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Except apparently the ESL club did break the bank to get him... otherwise I reckon he would've been going to the Dolphins anyway
What does a ‘back up the truck’ deal look like in super league nowadays?

can’t imagine it’s …
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Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
They offered Tom a deal for 2020, he just got a better one at Parra.
Sure, after the Broncos depth chart had cleared up and they needed another depth player.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Pretty sure that wasn't the case
Roberts, Perese, Vudogo were released, Kahu retired and Bird was on the outer.

They needed depth and offered Opacic that sort of salary. He knocked it back so the Broncos went ahead and signed Copley from the Titans.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Roberts, Perese, Vudogo were released, Kahu retired and Bird was on the outer.

They needed depth and offered Opacic that sort of salary. He knocked it back so the Broncos went ahead and signed Copley from the Titans.

We offered him the contract before he left the Cowboys in 2020. It would have been at least late September of 2020 iirc we approached him. Its not like it was a last ditch attempt to sign him because everyone else was leaving. He was told he would be a starter, but the Eels offer was much better than our one. Plus it was the Eels, i think he would have chosen them over us regardless.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
We offered him the contract before he left the Cowboys in 2020. It would have been at least late September of 2020 iirc we approached him. Its not like it was a last ditch attempt to sign him because everyone else was leaving. He was told he would be a starter, but the Eels offer was much better than our one. Plus it was the Eels, i think he would have chosen them over us regardless.
Brisbane also needed cover because Staggs went down in the final round of the competition.

So it certainly was the case that the Broncos had space and desperately needed players there.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Brisbane also needed cover because Staggs went down in the final round of the competition.
He was still told he would be a starter. Could have been to replace Staggs, but he would still have been given first crack at an opportunity to cement his spot. He wasnt being signed as a backup player. He went to Parra as a backup player though, they promised him nothing but he is an Eels fan so he was always more than likely signing with them anyway.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
My only concern is that Kev will start playing Clifford off the bench at hooker then bring Walters in the halves to replace Reynolds or some cooked shit like that
Why would he do that? There has been nothing outside of your hatred towards Kevvie to suggest he would do that. The only time Billy has played in the halves is when there has been no other options, outside of that he has been exclusively at hooker.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Very interesting what he doesn't say:

Looks like some opportunistic clubs could really benefit from this meltdown.

Des, DCE, the Trbos. Seems like at least 1 won’t be there next year.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Looks like some opportunistic clubs could really benefit from this meltdown.

Des, DCE, the Trbos. Seems like at least 1 won’t be there next year.

Interesting that he mentions that him and Jake have a good relationship but nothing at all about Tom. Interesting that he talks about Josh Schuster as Schuster and says he's got a lot to work on which while true, probably isn't nice for him to hear that from his captain publicly.


BRL Player
Nov 18, 2019
Is anyone else thinking letting Dearden go was a massive mistake? From memory he only went for 400k odd, the fact we are paying guys like Staggs significantly more to play centre.?
I think having Tommy at 6 for a couple of years even with Reynolds would of been a better move long term then spending overs on props and centres.


BRL Player
Apr 26, 2017
Is anyone else thinking letting Dearden go was a massive mistake? From memory he only went for 400k odd, the fact we are paying guys like Staggs significantly more to play centre.?
I think having Tommy at 6 for a couple of years even with Reynolds would of been a better move long term then spending overs on props and centres.
No. He grew up idolising Thurston and pretty much wanted out back in the pre season to the Cowboys but we rejected it. No point having someone around who doesn't want to be here and who could blame him for how we treated him by throwing him to the wolves because Seibold had no fucking idea how to use him and expected him to the answer to our prayers at halfback. No wonder the kids confidence was shot all of last year. Also had he stayed he would've been behind Mam, Gamble etc whereas he saw an opportunity up north to be mentored by JT


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
So it's a non-story that has been created by the likes of Weedler so that they can then interview the players and get them to deny a story that never was. One of the oldest tricks in the book by low life journos who have nothing of note to report.

Make it up - and then run with the headlines of denial. What a waste of everyone's time.
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