CROSS FORUM NRL Round 18 Discussion

Dion Johnson

Makasene - nzwarriors said:
I'm definitely not suggesting we move RTS to 6 but look at the change in Souths getting Wighton out of the centres and into 6.
RTS looks better at the back, trying to accomodate CNK doesn’t seem to be clicking, switching those two would be a win for them.

CNK is a bigger body at centre also.


Makasene - nzwarriors said:
I'm definitely not suggesting we move RTS to 6 but look at the change in Souths getting Wighton out of the centres and into 6.
He’s been very good but it’s not the catalyst for a ‘change in Souths’. Suddenly they’re enthusiastic and working hard in defence. The entire side has adopted a new attitude since learning of Bennett’s impending arrival.

Then you’ve got the Eels who have spent weeks trying to find a new coach, believing it doesn’t affect the players 😂


As far as the commentary were concerned there was only four players on the field.
1. Trell
2. Walker
3. Wighton
1. Charlie Guymer
Had to mute it with ten to go. The absolute throthing from Vossy and Ennis was sickening.
Yeah Ennis kept going on about Latrell. He had a decent game but it was nothing remarkable. At one point, the Eels dropped the ball and over ran it so the closest player to it was Latrell, he naturally picked it up and Ennis described it as ‘a huge play by Latrell!’
LeonardCohen - Silvertails said:
Yeah Ennis kept going on about Latrell. He had a decent game but it was nothing remarkable. At one point, the Eels dropped the ball and over ran it so the closest player to it was Latrell, he naturally picked it up and Ennis described it as ‘a huge play by Latrell!’
Wait until you hear Ennis go on about Walsh. If Walsh even gets near the ball then it is shumming time from Ennis.



Pete W

MrFrankWhite - nzwarriors said:
Whats going wrong at Manly? Havent been following your season too closely..
The usual... a clueless owner, a soft pack, a self-driven 7, an injured Turbo, and more recently, a useless coach


As far as the commentary were concerned there was only four players on the field.
1. Trell
2. Walker
3. Wighton
1. Charlie Guymer
Had to mute it with ten to go. The absolute throthing from Vossy and Ennis was sickening.
Surprised no mention of Moses and the laugh of the night was him being sinbinned 😂

Ron E. Gibbs

MrFrankWhite - nzwarriors said:
Whats going wrong at Manly? Havent been following your season too closely..
Yeah, Pete W summed it up. The end result being we just haven't won enough games. Two wins from the last six, both at home.


The usual... a clueless owner, a soft pack, a self-driven 7, an injured Turbo, and more recently, a useless coach
The soft pack is real though. It’s the reason we are so inconsistent. Basically, we have to rely on the opposition pack turning up asleep and get career games out of middles to just get the chocolates. It’s really frustrating.


Pete W - Silvertails said:
The usual... a clueless owner, a soft pack, a self-driven 7, an injured Turbo, and more recently, a useless coach
Yeah tbh I have no clue who Manly is even had up front. I can name/recognise 2-3 forwards from most clubs but not Manly.


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