LIVE GAME NRL Round 4 Discussion

the Panthers should just rest up until October ... even if they didn't show up to matches, the NRL would just make their opposition forfeit
Panthers are such a shit watch.

You know exactly what happens and is going to happen. Its like they are running down hill both halves becuase the other team is gassed the whole time after defending their line from repeated penalties and 6 agains.

Not to mention, they're good without all the leg ups.
Remember Cleary's horrific acne a few years back that popped up overnight and then was gone just as quick.
yeah, then he had all those Women's magazine articles about getting facials to help his skin
Edwards making Lance Armstrong level efforts every week. They won't investigate it.
Considering how long Sharks got away with it, all it takes is for a new drug to eliminate it coming up in tests which many have been made for that for it in the past for it to continue now.

It's easier said than done to bring in new young players to replace the outgoings and them instantly to be pushing the leagues top meter list as rookies, in a very intense attacking and defensive team.
We need our captain to do that. Get in the refs ear more often. Both wanted a go then