NRLW POST GAME NRLW Round 3 - Broncos vs Cowboys

Broughton really turning it on today. Maybe she's adjusted to playing 6 now.
Oh **** off that's a strip.

She had **** all control of the ball going into the tackle.
Why would you challenge that?

Unless the bunker can rule on forward passes, which they can't, it was only going to go one way which is a knock on Cowboys.
Good work Ali and Shenae!

Dam goes in!
Good tackle Maddick.

Slow her down enough for the chase to catch up. See what happens when you take out the fucking legs?
Good scramble girls.
How the hell did Sharpe see that?
I'm really liking Lenarduzzi off the bench.

She deserved one.
**** yeah.

Good win girls.

Put us back into the positive F/A after the Roosters game too

Sitting 4th, at worst 6th by the end of the round
Thoroughly enjoyable game of footy that.

It didn’t feel as much as a shellacking as it looks because of all the cows no tries.


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