Terrible. Seems the free-fall from the women’s side has accelerated to kind of where we are now - around about but losing because aren’t doing the little things properly or we don’t have the people who can
Some dumb footballers and some plodders who don’t do much with the poor game plans
Players I’d keep moving forward:
Brigginshaw (she had a good enough season to stave off my calls for retirement)
One thing I continually see regardless is being dominated in the ruck/10m. We’re so slow and every team makes bulk metres.
We also lack acceleration through our attack sets - no one hitting the line at speed and getting quick ptb’s.
This won’t get easier with 4 new teams next season. It’ll be very interesting to see how many players move from their current teams, particularly the Roosters, but player retention and recruitment will get harder as players will see spots in starting sides open - which is why I’m still a little worried about Ferguson.
I don’t think she’ll leave, but I would like not to risk it. Hooker is obviously hers if she wants it but I feel halves is still her best position and the one she wants