Well... I'm not convinced about Gallop just yet. Personally, I think he's a bit soft and never directly answers anything thrown at him. (Nothing new from a CEO of course)
Look, I love rugby league as we all do - I think we can do more. I'm no sports administration expert and every bum on the street has ideas but surely, SURELY the game can do more right now in so many aspects. Promotion and marketing for one - and that's basic stuff. I remember growing up and we were surrounded by league here in the inner west in Sydney. I grew up in the heart of canterbury and the dogs were HUGE back then (For the record, I never supported them hehehe). FOOTY was huge back then. It was all we talked about when we were kids and the streets buzzed. They used to crack open some sausage sizzle in the nearby parks on the weekend and the families would be all out and they'd all talk about the footy back then.
By 2004, when the dogs won the comp, Belmore hardly cared.(exaggeration) Look, no disrespect to them but it wasn't big. Honestly. I'm telling you now, no way near as big as 1998 and that is when they LOST the GF.
I don't know what it is like in Brisbane but I'm guessing it's all good up there! Judging from the crowds and what not. Maybe it is dying in Sydney who knows?
What do you guys reckon?