NEWS Payne Haas is a father

Congratulations Payne & Leilani on the birth of your daughter, Lalita!





NRL Captain
Jun 2, 2017
At least he didn’t have a gender reveal…
In the middle of Lang Park. 15 minutes after we'd just 'won' our first Wooden Spoon. The exact lowest moment in the history of our club.

It still beggars belief that literally anyone thought that would be a good idea.


NRL Captain
Dec 16, 2015
And if all of our other players are anything to go by, his form is about to jump off a cliff. Too many young dad's in our team.

I'm a firm believer that the reason our team doesn't do well is that they aren't such a close nit group like other well performing teams like Penrith and Storm. That's largely due to just about all of them having families and going home to them and not spending time around the boys.
The Strapper

The Strapper

NRL Player
Apr 21, 2015
And if all of our other players are anything to go by, his form is about to jump off a cliff. Too many young dad's in our team.

I'm a firm believer that the reason our team doesn't do well is that they aren't such a close nit group like other well performing teams like Penrith and Storm. That's largely due to just about all of them having families and going home to them and not spending time around the boys.
Well Reynolds has 4 kids and it doesn’t appear to have affected his game.
Maybe he can pass on some tips to the other guys.

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