POST GAME POST GAME [Round 7, 2023] Broncos vs Titans

Can anyone explain WTF Corey Parker has against us as during the game he was legit a cheerleader for the Titans. I get trying to keep professionalism during commentary but you would think he played 347 games for the Titans. Did a fracture happen between him and the club and he is just like Tallis, bags the club?
Yeah he definitely has something against us. Perhaps grumpy about getting sacked from the coaching team still...
Random thought, but there's no way I'd be able to play with those tracker things in the back of the jersey.

At least make them soft with foam or a kind of gel or something as they look like hard plastic - **** that
1. Our attack in the 1st half looked awful. Billy mostly had no clue what the next play should be hence don’t know where the ball should go.
2. Tits mostly got the free pass when defending. They physically attacked us but the Reff turned a blind eye.
3. Corey Parker is the single biggest disgrace to put in a Broncos jersey. Hate the fuckwit.
4. Sorry @Wolfie, Patty isn’t playing smart & I don’t fathom that.
5. I was wondering when there’s only couple of minutes to go in 1st half, what the need to burn 2 interchanges. Lucky for Kev& us, one of those changes contributed to Herbies try.
6. There might be 1 game played every fortnight at C-Bus but it looks shit. A battered Suncorp turf will easily compete with shit turf at C-Bus.
7. Was waiting all game for Cobbo’s moment of the game & he didn’t disappoint when it came. He needs to improve his game awareness though.
Mal trying to claim that Tino shouldn't have been binned because Cooper dare suggest that the bin was legit.

Conflict of interest would suggest that Mal **** off out of the fox studios when tits are playing... but also media and all that
Anyone know who the older guy with the maroon blazer and glasses in our sheds is? All the players gave him a big high five when they came in.
I know it wont happen but with oates back next week and flegler with him, id be keeping arthurs on wing and drop cobbo for a game. Id definitely find a spot for hethrington in that 17 if not the 13. Id stick with carrigan at lock for now but hethrington is a good back up.
As for cobbo, hes a wonderful talent and great prospect but i feel he mentally needs a kick on the arse.
There are way too many mistakes (not just cobbo, but he a part of it) right now to feel comfortable about where they are and they are not valueing possession. They need to get better because a storm or penrith will starve them of the ball and run them ragged, dedpite their good defence.
On a positive note, ricki is right now one of best back rowers in the comp and deserves every occolade given him.