POST GAME PSC - Broncos vs Cowboys

Is it just me or are the refs loving the cowgirls
I think it's just you, but honestly, it's probably a better form of entertainment to prevent too much momentum in one direction early
The cowboys just had two blockers on that kick
While it was seond-phase, no Reyno out there communicating?

Could be, but at the same time if you are relying on one player to control the other 3 you are always going to be in trouble.
Where is Oates on that kick
Nah, was a good kick on the 3rd. Smart and precise
Yeah, it's ok when it's set defense, but second phase...
Back chat penalty now... here we go
Maybe it's just me, but commentator bias has become really noticeable in the last season or two.

Not even your standard ones like Brandy Alexander on Penrith games. Even your main callers are trying to will certain things to happen. Like they're trying to get clipped calling something for their 15 seconds of viral internet fame

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