Rep Weekeend Discussion

That's a classic flop tackle from Thurston
Fergus vs RTS. RTS seriously gave up, he could have got him.
See RTS give up?

That's why NZ will forever be in our shadow.
Because you're an ass. ;)

I've got to say, I'm more interested in the Samoa game tomorrow.
It's probably because of tools such as Klemmer, Dugan, Ferguson and Fatfita
If I was Kidwell, I'd be completely ticked off with that, that lack of effort was pathetic from the fullback.
That YOUI ad is full of shit.

No one cheers the refs when they run out.
Breezer boys get one up each.

How long before Rapana disgraces himself and ends up at a Sydney club on a cut-price trouble-maker deal?