NEWS Reynolds: I'm like a little kid again

Adam Reynolds is chuffed to finally walk tall as a Bronco:

“The messages from Broncos fans through social media and on the streets have been a blessing in disguise for me. I’ve got a new lease on life with footy and it’s probably what I’ve needed for a couple of years."


“I’ve always admired this club and had a soft spot for the Broncos. I’m genuinely looking forward to getting out there and playing for the jersey. It’s a proud club and powerhouse that deserves to be back at the top. I’ve been booed here many times, whether it be for Souths or representative games. It’s always a great atmosphere and a very vocal bunch of supporters.


“They always turn out in numbers. I can’t wait to run out and play for you guys. You definitely feel the love from the fans. Being a one-team town makes a massive difference. In Sydney we were squashed in with seven other teams and fighting for a bit of attention at times. You don’t need to do that up here and you can use it to your advantage. At times you want to hide from the media but it’s a good thing to have. We should embrace it.”


“It’s a good blend of youth and a bit of experience. Experience is something they’ve been lacking over the last couple of years. You give those younger boys a few extra games under their belt and they know what it takes. They know what first grade is all about. The raw talent some of these boys have is pretty special. I’m looking forward to getting in there and working with a few of them. It’s genuinely exciting because some teams don’t have that raw talent and they get by. But that X-factor that can provide outside of a game plan excites you.”


“I’ve probably never looked forward more to getting back to training. I’m like a little kid again. I’m trying to contain my joy, I don’t want to go off too early. I’m thoroughly excited about getting in, working hard through the pre-season and hopefully having a special year in 2022. I’m excited and that’s a good thing.”



NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
Capewell has been somewhat under the radar in my opinion. Origin and now premiership player. Finally someone to fill gillets boots in the back row.

I'm expecting him to make a big difference for us in defence, he does plenty of clean up work and shutting down of half breaks, the Panthers are going miss that.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Reynolds still lamenting the GF loss.......

Hopefully he's not gonna suffer from Ben Hunt syndrome next year.....


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