RLWC 2021 Sem Finals Discussion

Now Samoa are going to get the calls to get them out of their end.
Some brilliance there from Luai and Paulo to put Crichton over.

Looks like we're in for another classic semi final.
Samoa well on top.

Wane looks like his head will explode and the Samoan coach looks like a vampire.
Watkins has been absolutely terrible this game.

He's been the reason why Samoa have scored 3 tries down that side.
Luai again with the midas touch, beats the tackle and puts Lafai over. England's left hand side has been exposed all afternoon.

It was Young with the miss on Luai. Had to make the tackle after Watkins had already gone in. After a fantastic World Cup opener, it's all gone horribly wrong for Dom.
England need their middles to step up, they’ve been belted. Their second row has been good but middles not.
Assuming Samoa win this and if they manage to upset Australia, we’ll have an opposite to the ‘you can’t concede 50 and win a premiership’ after Samoa had 60 put on them in the first round and won a World Cup
IMO, England showed up expecting a repeat of their week 1 clash, and have had their pants pulled down
And has Welsbg done anything other than be a turnstile?