NEWS Rogers to exit for Madden despite slick Broncos display


Brisbane halfback Josh Rogers received rave reviews after his second NRL match but appears set to be replaced next week by Jock Madden.

Such is Brisbane's depth that despite the 27-year-old kicking superbly and showing real poise throughout the 30-14 win over Parramatta, he will likely find himself back playing with Burleigh in the Queensland Cup.

Captain Adam Reynolds is unavailable for up to 14 weeks with a ruptured biceps and second in line half Madden missed the Eels clash with a pectoral injury. Madden is on track to be back next Friday night against Manly.

"I think Jock will come back in next week if he is fit," coach Kevin Walters said.

"We will just make sure he is fit. We were very happy with the number seven (against the Eels) so we are in a very good situation there regardless."

Walters was delighted with the display by Rogers, who is on a development contract with the Broncos.

"He was very solid. He kicked the ball well," Walters said.

"We asked him at the start of the week to do a few things. He is a capable player and was suited to the (wet) conditions with his kicking. His defence was really good and he passed well, and he challenged the line a couple of times as well."

The players also had faith in Rogers.

"I think he stepped up really well and showed how well he has been playing for Burleigh this year," prop Corey Jensen said.

"He is a calm head and did his job. He did himself proud."

There is an injury concern around hooker Billy Walters (wrist) who came off after 13 minutes. His father said he was no certainty to play the Sea Eagles.

"He has got a ligament problem in his wrist and he got a bang on there early in the game," Walters said.

"He got winded first, and then got that. It wasn't much point leaving him out there. He could barely pass. I'd say he is in doubt for next week but we will see how the week goes."

Canberra Times


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
There is a clear hierachy at the club when it comes to our halfs (non-Corey Paix division).

I have zero issues with Madden being ahead of Rodgers.

However, i'm very glad I now know what Rodgers can gives us next time we need him (say - SOO time?).

All of a sudden, like that, we seem to have very good depth in our halves.'s hooker depth we need to work out :)

It's possible (albeit unlikely) that during Origin (when we don't have byes) we will be running out:

1. Sailor
6. Rogers
7. Madden

That doesn't scare me as much as it would have at the start of the year, it's (almost?) as good as some starting lineups around the league.

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